The state started a confrontation with the mafia, the powerful of Uzice fell



11.21.2020. 09:49

Eight people arrested for tax evasion, suspected of damaging the budget by more than 13 million dinars


Police, Photo: RINA

Members of the Ministry of the Interior of Uzice, in collaboration with the Tax Police of this city, filed criminal charges against eight people from Sevojno, Uzice, Pozega and Belgrade, due to the existence of reasons to suspect that they committed the crime of tax evasion.

It is suspected that a 46-year-old man, head of the Sevojno company, from December 2, 2017 to December 18, 2018, based on 67 false invoices for the acquisition and processing of secondary raw materials, transferred more than 41, 5 million dinars to accounts. Belgrade company, as well as six business stores in Belgrade, Uzice and Pozega where the perpetrators were other suspects.

In this way, it is suspected that they avoided calculating and paying capital income tax and corporation tax.

They are suspected of damaging the budget of the Republic of Serbia by more than 13,600,000 dinars.
