The state prepares for possible surprises that the crown may bring


The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said today that the fight against the coronavirus is far from over, that the results are already satisfactory, but that they must be maintained, and called on citizens to adhere to the measurements.

He says stormy fall and winter await us, and the state braces for possible surprises the virus may bring.

Djerlek told Tanjug that until the Kovid 19 vaccine is found, everyone should be careful, and that we can only defend ourselves against the virus by respecting the prescribed measures.

He says that Serbia is in a “hellish” environment, because the virus is spreading in the countries of the region, so, remember, only yesterday in Montenegro there were 589 positives of the 780 analyzed, which is worrying.

– Will the crown of the region expand in our country? “He will,” warns Djerlek.

Remember that all citizens entering the country have records, while triage is carried out at the border, and suspects are required to report to the ambulance.

Djerlek says that thanks to the current measure, the spread of the corona virus has been prevented.

He appealed to all who celebrate to adhere to the prescribed measures.

– In July, we were surprised by the crown when we expected to be stunned, and we had a new peak that was even more dangerous than the first – said Djerlek and recalled that at the beginning of the epidemic about 400,000 people entered Serbia who were not immediately identified. that some of them were positive for the corona virus, which made it a big problem.
