The state aid package will cover the entire economy, decisions by priorities


Andjelka Atanaskovic, as a guest at the Eye of the Economy, stated that she continues to support large investments, developing entrepreneurship and improving business infrastructure.

As it says, the coronavirus cannot disappear overnight and the budget for next year was conceived based on the objectives.

“We must not forget that the fight against kovida 19 continues, and that in addition to the fight for each human life and for the suppression of the infection, we must also take care of the economy,” emphasized the Minister of Economy.

He adds that the objective of the Ministry of Economy in the next period is a faster recovery to maintain good economic results.

“We had to put an item in the budget to be able to help all those small private companies and entrepreneurs. More than 160 billion dinars were set aside for that help,” Atanaskovic explains.

When asked if the aid package is intended for the most vulnerable sectors or will cover the entire economy, Ms Oka replied:

“It will have to cover the entire economy. Most likely, we will sit down and decide the priorities as the applications come in,” Atanaskovic explains.

When asked how the state will be financed if new measures, delays in payments and taxes are adopted, the Minister of Economy replied:

“There are many companies that are working in this era of the coronavirus, so they also contribute to the budget. We have also anticipated favorable and very favorable long-term loans with low interest rates, so we will certainly overcome this case in June.” .

He adds that we are working to attract new investment partners and that we must seize the opportunity to attract large companies that are expected to move their production from distant markets closer to their countries of origin.

Commenting on the new measures, he points out that human life is the most important.

“It is true that the economy is what drives us all to live, but human lives are the most difficult,” says Atanaskovic.

He estimates that Serbia is one of the few countries that managed to save jobs and help economic entities to stay liquid during the pandemic.
