The spotlight exploded at the “Topalović” nursing home


The local Crisis Headquarters for the fight against kovid 19 met today urgently in the municipality of Kladovo and made the decision to declare a state of emergency in the territory of that municipality in the Bor district as soon as possible today, has learned ” Blic “.

This municipality is, therefore, one of a series that, given the worsening epidemiological situation, is introducing more rigorous measures that should prevent the spread of the infection.

This decision was made today, after 59 new cases of coronavirus were recorded here in one day! Hence, this place was on the list of critical crowns in Serbia literally overnight; before, it wasn’t even in the regular crown sections!

As said today in the Crisis Staff session, an emergency situation was introduced due to the increase in the number of first examinations of people with coronavirus symptoms and the increase in people infected with the kovid 19 virus.

Almost all the infected from the “Topalović” nursing home

What worries him the most is that of the 59 infected, 57 come from the same place, the “Topalović” Accommodation Home for Adults and the Elderly, where the crown was confirmed in 48 users out of 79 and in 9 employees.

As reported yesterday by TV “Kladovo”, users and employees whose presence of the coronavirus has been confirmed are in a stable health condition, mostly with weak symptoms.

We remind you, this city, which has about 9,000 inhabitants, has long resisted the blows of the crown, and until a week ago they had embroidered 14 days without contagion, and then on October 28 the kovid-19 was confirmed in only one person.

From then until yesterday, a maximum of five people tested positive for the crown when there was an abrupt jump, so the municipality leaders decided drastic measures, which came into effect today.

These are new measures

The emergency situation implies the obligatory respect of all the measures and orders, previously adopted, of the Headquarters of Emergency Situations of the Municipality of Kladovo. This includes the mandatory use of protective masks indoors and in public transport, as well as a ban on gathering more than five people indoors and outdoors.

A measure was also introduced to prohibit the organization of ceremonies, as well as the holding of sporting and entertainment events with the audience.

The order ordered those responsible for the building to begin to disinfect the common rooms of the collective housing buildings, while the obligation of the community companies is to disinfect the public areas where a greater number of people gather.

Supervision of the implementation of preventive measures is carried out by the Department of Inspection Affairs of the Kladovo Municipality.

Video: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
