The speech was followed by a special prayer: Adil and Mina Kostić broke out in pain as they said these words! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



11.12.2020. 15:44

After Jay was buried, he followed Iman’s speech, bidding the singer farewell with moving words:

“Dear family, today we say goodbye to our father, friend, brother, great singer, great man … All of your Dorcol is sad, he cannot hide. He remembered his poverty, but you too had great temptations, and you managed to fight. For a little piece of heaven, now you’re the brightest star You transmitted pure emotion through song and play, there is no one who has not loved you. You turned tears into joy, your songs were like a prayer, an infusion for suffering souls. With songs you overcame suffering, you healed us with humanity, you were the cure for everything. You believed in God, you celebrated Good Friday. “

This was followed by a prayer, which was joined by Adil and Mina Kostić.

“We ask you with a contrite prayer from the heart of our common, from our city of Belgrade, from our Dorcol, exalted creator, receive our prayer”, they prayed.

Jay’s daughter and ex-wife got sick, people came to help and HERE, see what she looked like!
