The SNS’s candidacy for the organization of the PPE Political Assembly in 2021/2022 was accepted.


The International Secretary of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and the Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimović participated in the video meeting of the Political Assembly of the European People’s Party (PPE), in which the SNS’s candidacy to organize one of the Political Assemblies of the PPE during 2021/2022. year, announced the SNS. As indicated, the date will be specified depending on the development of the situation with the crisis caused by the kovid-19 pandemic.

The agenda discussed the agenda, key issues and nominations for the venue of the next EPP Congress, to be held at the end of 2021, as well as the most important current events in the field of European politics.

One of the topics of the meeting was the measures taken at the European level in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic, and in this sense it was emphasized that the PPE party family proved to be part of the solution and effectively contributed to mitigating the consequences of the health crisis at the local, regional and national level. and at the European level.

Jadranka Joksimović underlined that to solve the key challenges facing the entire world today, Europe should strive for a more resilient and future-oriented politics.

“The EPP has always advocated and fought for a strong Europe that trusts the community, especially in times of crisis such as that caused by the covid-19 pandemic,” said Joksimovic, adding that the SNS will continue to be a constructive partner in this. fight. working together means a better defense of our values ​​and the interests of our citizens.
