The SNS of the Kragujevac Municipal Board is dissolved


The Municipal Board of the Serbian Progressive Party in Kragujevac was dissolved and the current mayor of Kragujevac, Nikola Dasic, was appointed commissioner.

Dasic said it was a “normal process” that took place within a political party and that it was nothing new that had not happened before in all committees in Serbia.

He told the portal “Glas Šumadija” that the SNS often points out that everything they do, they do “for young people, for our children” and that this would not be possible if young people cannot participate in the work of party organs. as much as possible.

“You had the opportunity to see that new faces are emerging in the new government, and the same is happening with the party committees,” Dasic said.

According to Dasic, the dissolution procedure of the junta is a preparation for the next party elections.

He stated that his role as commissioner is to analyze well the results of previous elections and actions on the ground, as well as to determine where there are problems.

Dasic said that in the new SNS Municipal Board in Kragujevac, there will always be a place for former mayor Radomir Nikolic, as he put it, “his personal friend and one of the founders.”

He said that Nikolić’s role would mostly depend on himself and that he decided to take a break from politics.
