The SNS is already running a dirty campaign in Belgrade – Politika


The opposition has a chance of a good result in the capital, which the government tries to warn

The opposition has a chance to achieve a serious result in Belgrade and make the electoral party very uncertain if the electoral conditions are fair and honest.

The SNS is already running a dirty campaign in Belgrade 1Photo: FoNet / Beoinfo

The government knows this and that is why it is largely on a dirty campaign, say Danas interlocutors, evaluating the possibilities of the opposition in the capital and the behavior of the government that has launched scandals against opposition leader Dragan Djilas in recent days. .

Djordje Vukadinovic, editor of New Serbian Political Thought, told Danas that the SNS is certainly weaker in Belgrade than in Serbia, the only question is how much.

– But Vučić certainly has a problem in Belgrade and I am sure he is aware that, after all, the results of the June elections at the Belgrade level and the undoubted success of the boycott in the capital indicate this. However, the opposition must not be fooled and excited because their victory in Belgrade is “guaranteed”. Far from there. In the political and media conditions that exist, there is no environment in which the opposition can win. But if those conditions improve a bit, a rather uncertain match could be played in Belgrade, says Vukadinović.

Dobrica Veselinović of the Let’s Not Drown Belgrade initiative thinks differently about electoral conditions.

– Even in such a difficult situation, the opposition can win in Belgrade if it appears in several columns that will offer people to vote for something they believe in – he said in an interview with Beta.

Political scientist Vuk Velebit says for our article that Belgrade is the first place where Vučić can get hit hard.

– I think both the opposition and the government are aware of this and that is why the biggest fight will be in Belgrade, where for the first time we could be uncertain if the opposition does not boycott the elections. Every government knows that the loss of Belgrade also means instability at the republican level, and that is why the opposition must concentrate its forces towards the capital to achieve victory. For Aleksandar Vučić, Belgrade is the biggest trophy and he will do his best to keep it under his control. If, as a government, after eight years, you start to publicize the scandals of the old city government without pressing charges, then for me it is a clear sign that Vučić has started a dirty campaign in Belgrade. I think that in the next period, Goran Vesić will be replaced as part of the SNS election campaign to show citizens that there are no protected people – concludes Velebit.

Bojan Klačar, CEO of CeSID, believes that “without a doubt” the strength of the opposition is greater in Belgrade than in the parliamentary or presidential elections.

– But success in Belgrade requires a lot of work, taking into account the cooperation of the SNS with Aleksandar Šapić. Šapić is a great trump card for the SNS in the upcoming municipal elections, and it would not be a surprise for him to run for mayor, Klačar told the weekly “Hrvatska riječ”.

UOPS continues to align

Representatives of the United Opposition of Serbia will continue to agree on how UOPS requests on electoral conditions will be presented to organizations outside this alliance. That is the conclusion of the online meeting held on Monday afternoon, which is relayed to Danas by UOPS President Janko Veselinović, leader of the Movement for Change. “We are talking about demands for free and fair elections and free media. We still agree on how the requirements should be presented to organizations outside of UOPS. That is, how can we get to the point that these are the demands of all true opposition in Serbia, because not everyone, not even those who boycotted the elections in the UOPS, ”Veselinović told our newspaper.

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