The slain guard’s family awaits a fair verdict


The lawyer for the family of the slain guard Dragan Jakovljević, Predrag Savić, expressed his hope that, following the verdict of the Strasbourg court, it will be possible to claim that the family’s right to a fair trial and the right to life have been violated in a formal sense.

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg will make a decision on Thursday on the Jakovljević family’s lawsuit against the former military examining magistrate Vuk Tufegdžić, who, according to their assessment, damaged the reputation and part of their dead son through investigations, public appearances and slander.

“I think that in this case there are many reasons to sanction the state of Serbia, because the judicial authorities allowed an investigating judge, in office, to insult the victims of the crime in that way. That should be sanctioned,” Savic told the portal

He affirmed that the European Court can determine that the right of the European Convention has been violated and force the State to pay between 500 and 1,000 euros in compensation to the family, adding that there is still the question of whether the procedure against Tufegdzic will be repeated.

“All verdicts related to the violation of rights allow the procedure to be repeated and those errors corrected. The law establishes that when the verdict of the European Court is handed down, it will be grounds for repeating the procedure,” Savic said. obsolescence for this job.

Guards Dragan Jakovljevic and Drazen Milovanovic were killed at the Topcider barracks in 2004.
