The situation with the virus is getting complicated, it may happen that our hospital capacities are not enough


Director of the Anesthesia Clinic KC Nis prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković says that the epidemiological situation in that city is getting complicated by the day and that, with regard to the number of crowns recently infected with the virus, the situation is much more difficult than it was a week ago.

He told “TV Pink” that the number of patients in the hospitals is increasing and that this morning there are 160 patients in the Nis covid hospitals.

– The patients present a moderate and very serious clinical picture. Of 160 patients who are in hospital treatment, 22 are in intensive care and all require oxygen support, Janković said.

He stated that they have patients with a difficult clinical picture, both among young and old patients.

“This will culminate in seven to ten days, but all of November will be with a large number of patients,” he said.

He states that kovid damages not only the lungs, but also the kidneys, and that it is a multi-organ disease.

– Today, the temporary hospital of the Salon de la Cátedra will be ready to receive the first patients. The new KC Nis building has a capacity for almost 800 patients, but our capacities may not be sufficient. Kovid is a serious illness and patients stay in the hospital for several weeks, sometimes more than a month, he stressed.

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