The situation with the crown is alarming, and the new measures are still waiting until Tuesday


Although the situation with the pandemic is worrying, the stricter measures adopted by the Government of Serbia will begin to take effect only in three days. The authorities did not explain why they decided to take that step. They say that it is essential that citizens adhere to the measures, because the pressure on the health system is enormous.

The number of people infected with coronavirus in Serbia has increased rapidly since the beginning of the week. The numbers are also worrying when it comes to deceased. However, that did not alarm the Crisis General Staff to react immediately and tighten the measures. Although an emergency session was announced from Wednesday, they met on Friday. And what they decided that day, however, they did not announce.

Immunologist Srđa Janković revealed the Crisis Staff medical side’s proposal on the new measures on the RTS morning show. “Our suggestion is that it be until 5 pm and only grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations would work. “

After the meeting with the directors of the Kovid hospitals, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, announced the decision taken by the Government of Serbia. The new measures will go into effect on Tuesday only and are limited to 10 days. It is crucial, as the minister says, that people adhere to the measures, because health facilities are under enormous pressure.

“Everything will close at 6 in the afternoon, pharmacies, pumps and places that are not at risk will continue to work. It is time to celebrate, today is glory, congratulations to all who celebrate, but the people is not the time of the contacts – there will be glory, there will be better times, it will compensate, today is not the time for that ”, said the minister.

The strictest measures also refer to the mandatory use of masks indoors, but also outdoors in situations where contact with more people cannot be avoided.

Infectious disease specialist Mijomir Pelemis warns that the changes are necessary and says that the situation is getting out of control: “We can take any measure, if they are not respected, there is no success. I do not want to accuse only the citizens, and that is very important – monitor the measures and see who is implementing them. We know that a small part does not implement those measures. “

And that some owners of Belgrade clubs still do not respect the prescribed measures, evidenced by the recordings that, as some media claim, appeared last night. The guests’ joy with drinks and music, without masks, was interrupted by the communal police, who reportedly emptied the bar.

Some citizens say that the state must react even more sharply:

“It should be even more rigorous, this is not allowed in the civilized world and they should introduce emergency measures – strict isolation for everyone, for seven days and then let’s see where we have arrived.”

“Those socializing and those parties and those songs and those nightclubs, I don’t know what to tell you really, I’m outraged.”

“I think everyone has to be normal enough, be polite and take care of themselves. If you don’t save yourself, you can’t protect your neighbors either.”

The advice on health protection comes from the Minister of Labor, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, who transfers responsibility for each movement to the citizens’ yard. Warn all families should be your own crisis headquarters, which determines what is best for all its members and that each one is their own controller.

However, the association of doctors “United against covid” says that the state must take serious measures to improve the situation. They claim that they sent warnings to the leadership of the Ministry of Health that the authorities should react, but did not listen to them. For this reason, as they say, “the measures were implemented late and are inadequate in the current dramatic situation.”
