The situation with the corona virus is getting worse, I am satisfied with the work of Minister Lončar


Ana Brnabić, the representative for the composition of the new government of the Republic of Serbia, spoke tonight about the priorities in future work and the biggest challenges in the next period, but also the increase of salaries and pensions, the change of the Constitution , the Kosovo problem and the stalemate towards Serbia’s accession to the EU.

– The SNS took a decision immediately after the June 21 elections to certainly invite national minorities to form a government with us, we will see if it will be a concentration government or not. The important thing is that it will be a government that will unite both SPS and SPAS, and that at this time the SNS wanted to share responsibility again, that is, call us all to lead and push Serbia forward for that national unity – he said Brnabic to RTS.

Ana BrnabićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Ana Brnabić

He also referred to the crisis of the crown and economic turmoil, so the SNS “needs coherence.”

– It would be the best and smartest thing for Serbia, and not for the SNS. We call on our citizens to fight together. We want to emerge from this difficult year as European leaders in economic growth, as a country with the lowest public debt and the highest level of investment, increased employment and decreased unemployment – he added.

And in 2021, he adds, the world will face a crown crisis, but also an even bigger economic crisis.

– We must find a way to overcome that 2021 as well, without increasing unemployment like many other countries. This government will have absolute capacity, absolute support in the assembly, it will be able to do much more than the government that I headed. On the other hand, if we do not manage to do well next year, others will come who could do better – said Brnabić, referring to possible early parliamentary elections.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

He emphasized that he could not speak about who will be the president of the Assembly.

– We talked about our previous cooperation and what Dacic and Markovic think they have in the department and how it would fit into all the priorities we have. It is about what we can do for the citizens of Serbia, and that is the only thing that interests me.

According to her, the government will begin working on the new call on October 28.

“There are more and more patients with a more serious clinical picture”

The head of the composition of the new government, Ana Brnabić, declared as a guest on the program that the situation had worsened today, with more than 300 new people infected.

– We monitor the situation for two hours. At 8pm tonight, we had more than 400 new infected. We have an increasingly complex situation. I spoke to the president to comment on that. I also spoke with the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, to ask if there were more people there. They don’t have a bigger crowd there, but you notice that people come in with more severe symptoms. What I told more than 400 people is the number that we will announce tomorrow at 3 pm – Brnabić emphasized.

That, he says, shows how challenging the times are ahead.

When asked if someone else, instead of Zlatibor Loncar, could be the new Health Minister, Brnabic reiterated that he did not want to talk about names.

– Minister Lončar really did his best: he did not panic, he did not retreat under pressure, he was on the field at all times, talking to people on the front lines and giving them support – said Brnabić.

“There will be a significant number of new faces”

The position of the SNS will definitely be announced, in regards to personnel decisions, on Sunday. When asked if she has any proposals and what percentage are new people, she said that she was referred to as president and someone in the Presidency of the SNS.

– There will be a significant number of new people in the government and that will be known on Sunday. So the quality of these people, the energy and the experience are important. I think we will have about 50 percent women, as Aleksandar Vučić suggests.

Is the Serbian Constitution the Bible?

– I have great respect for the division of power and I believe that this is the basis of a strong democratic society and, in that sense, the change of the constitution does not depend on me, but on the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. The Assembly of Serbia can recommend that. We have recommended modifying the Constitution in the area of ​​justice. I am proud to have led a government that had a dialogue on amending the constitution for the first time, which has been changed relatively frequently, but has never had a dialogue on those constitutional amendments. We have not had a single public debate before and we have changed it. Never again will someone in power be able to change the Constitution of the Republika Srpska without a public debate. That was changed by the government I led and the SNS, and that will be written in the history of Serbia – he stressed.

“We have the lowest number of murders in Serbia”

According to Ana Brnabic, one of the three greatest challenges of the new government will be: the fight against the coronavirus, the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and “the war that Aleksandar Vucic declared for the mafia in Serbia.”

– Right now, if you look at the numbers, we have never been better when it comes to fighting crime and corruption. We have the largest seizure of narcotics in Serbia and the fewest murders.

When asked if he could say more about Aleksandar Šarc’s attacker, who was identified by police tonight, Brnabić reiterated that fighting the mafia is one of the top three priorities of the new Serbian government.

“The judiciary has been inefficient at times.”

As he said, the Judiciary “was not efficient at times, although significant funds were allocated.”

– We need full cooperation for the war against the mafia. Today, the tycoons do not rule Serbia and do not form the RS Government as they used to, as well as the foreign ambassadors – said Brnabić, adding that the cooperation of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities is needed.

Brnabic also touched on allegations of conflict of interest in connection with his brother’s business.

The Anticorruption Agency was consulted and they referred it to the Public Procurement Directorate, he said, adding that “Transparency Serbia” was then consulted.

– They received the answer that there is no conflict of interest in this case – he stressed.

About the European Commission report

– Regarding the dialogue with civil society, which is often considered, there are many phrases, many general things. There were no important advances, I mean the internal dialogue that Vučić mentioned with representatives of civil society, my dialogue with representatives of civil society, dialogue on amendments, that Belgrade is the city where the civil society week will be held – Civikus … standards in relation to all previous governments, there is absolutely no doubt – emphasizes Brnabic.

In the first 100 days: applying the media strategy

In the first 100 days of work of the new government, the adoption of the plan and the beginning of the implementation of the media strategy must be carried out, the prime minister stressed.

– We have created a working group to draft a media strategy, where all the media and journalistic associations are represented. I am proud of that. I am here to work in the interest of the citizens of Serbia as Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska. What I have heard that is being said is that the next inter-party dialogue would include parties that are now non-parliamentarians, that did not participate in the elections or did not cross the so-called mini census … If it is up to me to speak again with the people who they have abandoned the dialogue – explained Brnabić.

When asked what he thinks about the appointment of Nikola Selaković to the post of Foreign Minister, according to unofficial information from “Novosti”, Brnabić said he was good.

On Sunday, the complete composition of the new government of Serbia

It should be recalled that a meeting of the SNS Presidency was held today, after which the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced that the leader of the SPS and current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić, will be the new President of the Serbian Parliament, and that six basic objectives of the new government have been defined. The parliamentary elections, along with the presidential ones, will take place on April 3, 2022.

He specified that all the committees of the National Assembly will be formed on Thursday, the parliamentary group will present the bill of ministries on Friday, it will be considered during the weekend, the proposals will be voted on Monday and the presentation of the mandate holder is scheduled for Wednesday.

Photo: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

He also announced that the new government will have two or three new ministries, as well as that “representatives of national minorities will have a significant presence in the government in the positions of secretaries of state and directors of public companies.”

VIDEO: Vučić on the EC report, Ranko Panić and “list of his sins”
