“THE SITUATION IS WORRYING BUT …” More and more children are becoming infected with the corona virus, and this is what Dr. Tiodorović says about the closure of schools and kindergartens


The epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic said that the question of the closure of schools and kindergartens was not raised and that this was the position that also existed in Europe. The Secretary of Education and Child Protection of the City of Belgrade, Slavko Gak, says that in the last two weeks the corona virus has been confirmed in several children and about twenty employees in Belgrade kindergartens, as well as almost 50 students, but there is no need to panic and the situation is monitored hour by hour. .

Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic told RTS that the issue of the closure of schools and kindergartens was not raised and that this was the position that also existed in Europe.

Dr. Branislav Tiodorović pointed out that there is a good model in Serbia when it comes to schools and kindergartens.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

As he said, the situation in schools and students who were in contact with the positive, or who are positive, is monitored daily. Then entire classes or schools, depending on the situation, switch to the online model.

The city’s Secretary for Education and Child Protection, Slavko Gak, says no kindergartens have been closed in Belgrade so far, but is concerned that the corona virus has been confirmed in several children and employees in the past ten days in kindergartens in Belgrade, and that nearly 50 students are infected. .

He stated that preschool institutions in Belgrade have been operating since May 11 and that to date no kindergarten has been closed on the territory of the capital.

– We went through a period of crisis during June and all the employees of the preschool institutions showed great professionalism and high responsibility, and we went through that period without major problems. Now we are in a new wave of growth of infected people – Gak said, adding that when it comes to preschool institutions, the situation is not alarming.

He emphasized that all kindergartens are working, epidemiological measures are being implemented and controlled.

“Right now, about 58 percent of the children enrolled are in Belgrade kindergartens, that is, about 33,000 children,” Gak said.

Slavko gakPhoto: Djordje Kojadinovic / RAS Serbia

Slavko gak

He claimed that only one child was infected with coronavirus in September and eight new cases were recorded during October. “What’s worrying is that a large number of the eight showed up in October in the last ten days,” Gak said.

With regard to the employees of preschool institutions, from May 11 to today, there were about 60 people infected. “In the last two weeks, that’s about twenty of those who applied,” Gak added.

He emphasized that each case was immediately reported to the City’s Public Health Institute, which gave guidelines on how to proceed from one case to another.

– We also coordinate with private preschool institutions and the whole situation is under control – Gak added.

When asked if there will be a kindergarten closure, Gak says he cannot predict what will happen in the next few days. “We are monitoring the whole situation hour by hour. There is no room for panic. All measures are being implemented, it has been shown that the system can work in such circumstances,” Gak said.

Speaking of the severity of the clinical picture, he said that there were more severe cases of the disease among employees, while there were no serious clinical pictures among children.

Gak says that New Belgrade is the municipality with the most infected. “New Belgrade is the municipality with the most children, almost 9,000 children are enrolled in preschool institutions. We have the largest number of primary schools there,” Gak said.

Kindergarten, children, schoolPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Kindergarten, children, school

When asked if the closure of two kindergartens was being considered, Gak said that there are five employees in two kindergartens who have contracted kovid and that other people are being tested. “After that, the City Public Health Institute will give us clear guidelines on how to act if these people are also infected,” Gak said.

When it comes to schools, Gak says that from September 1 to today in Belgrade, the coronavirus has been confirmed in 160 students.

“The worrying thing is that there are almost 50 of them in the last ten days. We are monitoring the situation, we are behaving responsibly, but the most important thing is that the children stay in schools,” Gak said.
