The situation is getting worse, respecting the measures is essential: a special appeal to the people of Belgrade



Emergency situation in Dimitrovgrad

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation, an emergency situation has been declared in the Dimitrovgrad Territory.

It is forbidden to gather more than five people indoors and outdoors, it is mandatory to wear a protective mask in public places, it is forbidden to work in the market and catering facilities from 21 to 6 hours and it is recommended to work from home.


In Vojvodina, the number of new patients is three times higher than in the previous week

In the previous 24 hours, 244 new cases of kovida 19 were registered in Vojvodina, and most of them were 162 in Novi Sad, announced the Vojvodina Institute of Public Health.

There are currently 1,700 active cases in the province, more than three times the number from last week. Novi Sad also recorded a three-fold increase in the number of patients compared to the previous week with 975 active cases.

The Vojvodina Public Health Institute assesses the epidemiological situation in Vojvodina as unfavorable, with a tendency to worsen.

“Active cases are present in 44 of the 45 municipalities of Vojvodina. At the moment in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin and Sremska Mitrovica the epidemiological situation is extremely unfavorable with a tendency to worsen, while in other cities and municipalities it is evaluated as uncertain with tendency to get worse, “he said. in a statement from the Institute.

The Institute also states that during the six weeks of September and October in the Vojvodina Territory, there was a continuous decrease in the number of registered cases and a stabilization of the number of active cases at a low level in relation to the previous epidemic wave.

“Since October 20, there has been a trend of increasing number of registered cases and worsening of the epidemiological situation, as well as transition to an unfavorable situation in the next period. The epidemic wave in Vojvodina is underway,” he said. the notice.

The active working population predominates among the patients and individual cases of school-age children are registered, which are related to their stay in other countries or the infection comes from previously ill parents, that is, outside of school. Transmission of the disease among children in school conditions has not yet been recorded.


The arena is filling up fast, currently 237 patients with kovid

The temporary hospital in the Belgrade Arena has capacity for 237 patients, says one of the Arena’s coordinators, Dr. Vlado Batnožić, adding that some 200 patients are receiving oxygen therapy.

He stated for TV Pink that just yesterday they received 33 patients, that the Arena is filling up rapidly and that the patients are mostly with a severe clinical picture, that they have unilateral or bilateral pneumonia.

There are currently 88 women and 149 men in the Arena. The youngest patient is 20 years old and the oldest 88 years old.

“We received three respirators from the Ministry of Health, and they have not yet been connected, but if necessary, they will also be connected,” Batnozic said.


Dr. Jovanovic: The mask can stop the spread of the virus.

The director of the Institute of Public Health “Trampoline”, Verica Jovanović, says that the daily increase in the number of confirmed patients with covid indicates that the epidemiological situation in Serbia remains unstable and that an increase in the number of infected can be expected.

“Currently, the only way to stop this increase in the number of infected people is to wear masks, avoid meetings and apply other measures,” Jovanovic told TV Pink.

He stressed that, in addition to treating infected patients, it is important to act preventively and stop the spread of the virus.

He points out that it is important that if someone has a fever, they stay home, isolate themselves, monitor the situation and if there is a deterioration, seek help at the nearest Kovid clinic.


In the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, another 34 people have contracted kovid.

In the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, 34 new cases of coronavirus infection have been registered, of the 92 samples analyzed, announced the crisis staff in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The infected people are from Kosovska Mitrovica – 16, Zvečan – 4, Zubin Potok – 3, Leposavić – 7, and in Gračanica, Prizren, Štrpce and Prilužje one each.

Since the start of the epidemic in mid-March, 6,007 people have been tested, 1,188 of whom confirmed the presence of the virus.

154 cases were active, while 994 people were cured.

In the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, 40 people died from kovid 19.


Dr. Vucinic for RTS: virus leaves fibrosing changes in lungs

In the third wave of the epidemic, pneumonia occurs in moderate to severe patients.

Dr. Violeta Mihailović Vučinić, director of the KCS Pulmonology Clinic, told RTS that the virus will have serious consequences in terms of some fibrosing changes in the lungs.

As he himself says, these are patients with impaired lung function with impaired diffusion, there is something happening at the level of the alveolus-capillary membrane that they are not able to repair at first.

And when there are no symptoms and when the patient just coughs, pneumonia is shown.


The number of new infected in the district of Machvan is growing

Last week in the district of Machvan – 304 new patients, most of them in Sabac. There are almost 200 positives in the city.

Until this morning, another 100 patients in the district of Macva – 57 in Sabac.

Dragana Radojicic, an epidemiologist, head of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control at the Sabac Public Health Institute, said the mask is not a scarf that we wear.

“The most important thing is to say that it is a respiratory infection; we can try to reduce the number and try to have an image as slight as possible, use the mask in the correct way,” warned Dr. Radojicic.


Novi Pazar, a protest by catering companies for work restrictions until 9:00 p.m.

The owners of the catering services and their employees met last night, after hours at 9:00 p.m., in front of the City Administration to express their dissatisfaction with the decision of the Emergency Situations Headquarters to limit the work from the catering facilities in Novi Pazar in the interior at 9:00 p.m.

Those gathered at the roundabout briefly blocked traffic and the demonstration passed peacefully in the presence of the police.


57 patients on a ventilator

According to the latest data, 1,242 people were hospitalized and 57 patients use respirators.

According to the last section, 802 more people were infected with coronavirus and 7 more patients lost the fight against covidin.

President Aleksandar Vučić called on citizens to respect measures against the spread of the coronavirus, because the spread of the infection creates more and more problems. He asked citizens to respect the prescribed measures because it is the situation is getting worse, especially in Belgrade.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon he pointed his way Facebook a special request for Belgraders – “Act as if a restraining order has been entered from 19:00 to 5:00. If you still have to leave the house, ALWAYS WEAR A PROTECTIVE MASK, especially indoors.”

The number of new infected with coronavirus in Belgrade is growing exponentially, in Vojvodina and part of western Serbia there is a marked increase in the number of infected, while in Nis the epidemic situation can still be evaluated as uncertain, but with a tendency to become unfavorable, said epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic.

New measures are in force in Kosovo and Metohija. It is a negative p-si-ar test, restricting the work of restaurants, coffee shops, shopping centers, in addition to prohibiting the gathering of more than five people.

People over 65 years of age can move freely outside their homes twice during the day: from 6 to 10 and from 16 to 19 hours. Movement restrictions will not apply solely for health reasons.

A team of doctors from the KC Nis ENT clinic examined the effect of coronavirus on hearing and showed that covid 19 disease can cause mild to moderate hearing loss at high frequencies. This is the world’s first comprehensive study on the effect of kovid on hearing, the director of the ENT clinic, Dušan Milisavljević, told RTS.
