“The situation is extremely serious: new measures in the next session of the Crisis tab”


Belgrade – The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojii, assessed tonight that “there is still room to appeal” to people to travel to epidemiological measures.

Source: Beta

Illustration: Depositphotos / BalkansCat

Illustration: Depositphotos / BalkansCat

He said that everyone should be personally responsible and that he hopes the Crisis tab will introduce new measures in the next session.

Radojii told RTS, commenting that the ambulance treated Kovid’s patients from Belgrade and in the surrounding cities, that the situation was “extremely dire”.

“I also believe in medicine that all these new solutions that are being developed will pay off,” Radojii said.

When asked if he thinks measures should be tightened at the capital level, that is, to shorten the working hours of catering services, he said that the city’s crisis tab only implements the measures prescribed at the national level and that therefore the responsibility lies with the Serbian government. .

“You have to make a cross section, people are also psychosociologically exhausted by the measures, we see that in the countries that have introduced three measures, people are trying in other places … The right decision must be made at the right time and I believe that (will happen) in the next session. ” Crisis tab, ”said the mayor.

He added that the agency would meet tomorrow or Wednesday, November 11 and that over the weekend 100 inspections were carried out at the catering facilities and 46 stores, including nine violations for non-compliance.
