THE SITUATION IS CONCERNING: Crisis Staff Conference Held, Kon Warns Citizens Before Holiday (VIDEO)


In the previous 24 hours, a total of 11,699 people were tested, while 1,928 were recently infected. 16 people died and 129 patients were on respirators.

After Dr. Kon briefed the public on the current situation, Colonel Dr. Udovicic said that doctors have been fighting the corona virus for almost a year and said the situation is difficult.

– I would like to be able to give you good news, and tell you that the epidemic is not terrible and that it is just the flu, like some doctors. But my colleagues and I know that this is not a common epidemic. In the last two weeks, the number of patients in hospitals has been growing, and we must all fight together against the epidemic – said Udovicic.

He noted that all capacities have been filled at VMC Karaburma, as well as the number of patients at the Infectious Disease Clinic and Kovid Hospital in Batajnica is growing.

– This really is not a threat, but the truth. I have to tell you how it is. What contributed to this situation. Well, a type of relaxation and vaccination contributed in part to that relaxation. People have relaxed, and I have to say that even if you get the first dose, you can still get sick and can still transmit the virus, as well as have more severe forms of corona, the doctor explained, saying that there should be no relaxation until it is complete. we will not defeat the virus.

Colonel Dr. Ivo Udovicic / Photo: Printscreen

The accolades of the world should not even “hit us over the head,” Colonel Udovicic said, calling again for all of us to be responsible.

– We fear that we will have to convert some non-kovid hospitals into kovid hospitals again. Respect yourself and your loved ones. And my recommendation before the next national holidays is that everyone be careful, especially those leaving Belgrade. A few moments of pleasure can make your life worse, Dr. Udovicic said.

Responding to journalists’ questions, Dr. Kon said that there was no talk of easing the measures and that inspection supervision in winter centers was intensified.

– The deterioration of the situation is noticeable, fortunately it is not sudden, but gradual. From the example of a municipality in Belgrade it is clear that wintering is a place of higher risk. Everyone who goes to the mountains now should know that the risk of infection increases, the epidemiologist emphasized.

He said that they are also thinking a lot about tightening the measures, and that it will be seen in the next period what exactly they will refer to.

– It is clear that we will only see the consequences of the extended weekend and holidays. It will not be immediately visible, because people are less tested then, but later we will see the consequences of our behavior. We have to warn and transmit information about the increased risk – said Kon, and revealed that the current jump in infected is a consequence of the good weather that there was in the previous days.

We can do nothing but vaccinate in parallel, said the epidemiologist, and said that no man who received the first vaccine was protected.

Photo by Tanjug

Predrag Kon said that it is necessary to investigate the fact that 105 doctors died, but also that one cannot speak of shortening shifts, since that is the responsibility of the hospital management.

– We are doing everything possible to provide sufficient protection to doctors, but it seems that some are not satisfied. If we talk about responsibilities, things are divided. We are here to give recommendations and the methodological instructions from experts are clearly written. Whether the recommendations are respected depends on the institution – said Kon, to which Colonel Dr. Udovicic added that it is very important that personnel who work in the red zones have time to rest after the shift.

– It is not only like that in our country, but throughout the world. We are communicating with colleagues from all over the planet, and we have created a system that currently adapts to us based on different experiences – said Kon.

He also commented on the situation in Vranje, where the number of infected people in school institutions has increased.

– We do not have such a situation in Belgrade, for example. However, those figures are approximately 78 cases of infection of students in schools, and there is no drastic increase in the disease compared to the previous weeks. We have another situation, where in a Belgrade municipality, up to 50 percent of those tested tested positive for kovid, which shows the seriousness of the situation, he said.

The epidemiologist said that we will therefore have to think about tightening the measures and that some countries have already switched to online teaching.

Photo: Printskrin

“There was talk of easing the measures, and the medical part of the Crisis Staff is now only considering tightening them,” Kon said clearly.

Predrag Kon said that until now there was no basis for requesting an adjustment, but there was a basis for not discussing mitigation at all and for tightening control as much as possible during the holidays.

– The most important thing is that citizens know that the risk is greater now than, say, ten days ago. And that risk grows again. And that’s where we really need help, and I know it’s on everyone’s head. But people should know when they sit in a cafe and take off their mask, that it is just an illusion that everything is fine – said the epidemiologist.

As for the new British strain in Serbia, doctors know it is present, but they do not yet know to what extent, Kon said, noting that the situation that is happening in Vranje may indicate such a phenomenon.

– We have to vaccinate a million and a half people to see any improvement. For now, we are being vaccinated by elderly and chronic doctors. But we have a very big job ahead of us, continue with vaccination and increase herd immunity, which is the only thing that can reduce the threat we feel – emphasized Kon.

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