The situation in Vranje, from stable to “insecure”, infected 10 workers in two factories


The epidemiologist at the Vranje Institute of Public Health, Sladjan Stankovic, stated that the epidemiological situation in Vranje has changed from stable to uncertain.

“The presence of the virus is significant, the percentage of positives according to the latest data is seven percent of the number of samples, and it was less than three percent, and that is an indicator,” said Stanković.

He also noted that one of the reasons for the spread of the infection is that people do not report to the doctor on time, despite symptoms indicating a coronavirus infection.

“Distance measurements are not respected, which is obvious at every step. In front of banks, post offices, public institutions. Citizens do not wear masks indoors. Any relaxation is transferred to the family and to collective work, that is the main reason why the epidemiological situation has changed from stable to uncertain, “said Stanković.

In two factories in Vranje, 10 workers were infected with the coronavirus.

According to unofficial information, these are the “Dodić” furniture factory and the “Deni stil” shoe factory in Vranje.

The “Dodić” furniture factory in the village of Stropsko stopped working because eight employees were infected with the coronavirus and will remain closed for two weeks, and Stanković explained that the factory was disinfected and that members of the employees’ families were isolated .

The company is under epidemiological surveillance.

This also applies to employees of another company where two are infected, Stanković said.

He added that eight infected people had milder clinical images, and the presence of the virus was also confirmed in members of their families.

“One of the infected workers has a chronic disease and, due to a more serious clinical picture, he was transferred to Nis for further treatment. Five workers were infected in the family and one member in the other. Five patients were hospitalized and is a milder clinical picture, “says Stanković. .

The company “Deni stil” has 150, and the furniture factory “Dodić” 197 employees.

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