“The situation could get worse”


Immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic said the situation could get worse if we are not careful.

Source: RTS

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Screenshot / TV first

“The crisis headquarters are of the opinion that self-isolation is necessary because this is how we will protect our people and the health of all of us,” said Dr. Janković.

Belgrade, Kragujevac, Zajecar and Presevo are cities where the percentage of newly infected with coronavirus has increased in recent days. A third of those infected are in the capital.

Students and parents are adopting recommendations and rules little by little. But what about the citizens returning from their summer vacation? It is estimated that in Montenegro, which currently has the most unfavorable situation in Europe, there are around 75,000 citizens of Serbia.

Srdja Jankovic, an immunologist, told RTS that the situation could get worse if we are not careful.

Speaking of self-isolation, he says that the recommendation has a maximum possible incubation duration for anyone who comes from an area where kovid activity is high, has no legal obligation, but is no less important to protect health and life.

“There is no logistical apparatus that can control that, but the crisis personnel are of the opinion that self-isolation is necessary, because that way we will protect our people and the health of all of us,” Janković said.

The situation has improved a bit compared to what we had for most of the summer, but there is a possibility that the number of infected will start to grow again.

“The distribution of the number of patients in cities is not uniform, if we do not wear masks, we do not respect the distance, we do not maintain hygiene, there are very clear conditions for us to get worse”, says Dr. Janković.

“I think we have to implement measures even more rigorously now, because we can contribute more to that,” Janković said.

Should we be afraid of a worse scenario?

For a large part of the citizens, this has become a habit. Some seem to be ignorant of the coronavirus, but not everyone will share an opinion, Janković believes.

Differences of opinion are normal, but when it comes to the common good, Janković points out that there must be consensus: masks, distance, hygiene can prevent a deadly infection.

According to him, if the largest possible number of us implement it, we should not be afraid of new scenarios of deterioration.

The number of infected people in Austria has increased dramatically. There are many of our citizens in that country, especially in Vienna.

“Right now, it is Austria, but the essence is that always and everywhere care must be taken, everywhere the virus can cause an epidemic if the conditions are met. The waves appear in some places, somewhere in the top of the waves, somewhere in the valleys, “Jankovic explained.

Vaccine and tests

Speaking of the vaccine, Janković says that the problem is not that there is a debate, but that the distorted arguments are repeated relentlessly: that vaccines are more harmful than the diseases they protect, and that will not be true even now.

“When an adverse event happens to someone, when someone gets sick in any way, it is not evaluated if it could have something to do with the vaccine in the first step, it stops first, so it is evaluated if there is any possibility that So be it. “From the vaccine, and not from something else. Anything can happen to them, “Jankovic said.

Remember that after just a few days, the research continued, which means that the team that led the study claimed it had nothing to do with the vaccine.
