The singer turned 52 years old, she looks like a SLIPPER, and now she has presented details of LOVE!


SLAĐA DELIBAŠIĆ HAS BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH AN OLDER MAN FOR 2 YEARS: The singer turned 52, she looks like PRAĆKA, and now she has presented details of LOVE!

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Slađa Delibašić turned 52 and if she weren’t a famous person, no one would have determined her age.

However, it is already a stereotype to talk about her uptight and youthful appearance, and what she emphasizes is important to her is how she feels.

“I don’t hide my age, nor do I need to be younger. It is important to me to have a soul that does not age, so I feel like I am 25,” says Sladja, and then told what she learned over the years.

“I became smarter, calmer and realized that I needed peace, so I made it,” emphasizes Delibasic. He also revealed how he celebrated his birthday.

“I had lunch with the children and my dad. He is 83 years old, but he is like a dragon,” says the dancer, adding that she had a wonderful time with her loved ones.

The singer has pointed out on several occasions in recent years that she does not need a man, because she wants to enjoy and organize time as she wants, considering that she has been disappointed on several occasions. However, love passed to her, as she would say, “from God.” She explains what it’s like to have a boyfriend without being in love.

“We cannot fall in love at this age. I can give love and receive it, but I cannot fall in love at this age. I like to enjoy the beautiful moments, enjoy being attracted to this man … Care, passion and love are important for me. I enjoyed the solitude for a while, and this happened from God, “he says enigmatically, then revealed that it is his partner, a former friend from school with whom he saw and established a relationship after several years. decade, she also met her ex-husband Djolet Djogani. After many years since they divorced him, Slađa, Đole and Vesna sometimes meet for lunch with their children, and now that is also the case with the ballerina’s boyfriend.

“Sometimes the four of us have coffee here and there. This is an older man, we’ve been in a relationship for two years and we get along, so there’s no reason not to be okay,” Delibasic admitted.


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