The Simić family home was raided for the third time, the children were TERRIBLE



27.11.2020. 00:07

The series of incidents against Serbs in the municipality of Gracanica continued, and this time, unknown perpetrators broke into and robbed the Simić family’s home in Preoc, Kosovo reports online.

The Simić family home was raided

They raided the house of the Simić family, Photo: FB / Kosovo_Gracanica038

Sinisa Simic told Kosovo online that this is the third time her home has been burglarized and that the Kosovo police have not been able to find the thieves so far.

– The damage is not great, but the children were very shocked. Honestly, I also lost the will to live here, this is the third time this has happened, it is in my head. It will all be offset, but nervousness and fear will not offset. It was the police, they will come again, but I don’t know what to say anymore, Simić is desperate.

The mayor of Gracanica, Srdjan Popovic, told Kosovo Online that this was just one of a series of incidents and that they had repeatedly appealed to the police and security structures to protect the Serbian population.

– Simply put, security is a very important factor for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and is related to the survival of our people here. As a municipality, we will continue to appeal to the police to see what steps can be taken to stop these incidents, because this is the third time they have entered Mr. Simic’s home. And when the perpetrators go unpunished every time, it only encourages them to continue committing those acts, Popović says.
