The showers are getting stronger, if it is not necessary, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE!


RHMZ ISSUING NEW WARNING, POSSIBLE RIVER OVERFLOW: Showers are getting heavier, if you don't have to leave the house!

Photo: Dado Đilas, Prinskrin

Early this morning, the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic published on its website an announcement that even today a cloudy, cold and windy weather awaits us, with occasional rains.

The rain that has been falling continuously since yesterday, and which is expected today, will fall up to 30 millimeters per square meter in the east and southeast of Serbia, and today some rivers are expected to overflow.

Early this morning, the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic placed an announcement on its website that even today cloudy, cold and windy weather awaits us, with occasional rains.

– More rainfall is expected in the early part of the day in eastern and southeastern Serbia (20-30mm) – it is written in the RHMZ announcement.

photo: RHMZ Printscreen

The warning about the overflow of certain rivers is still valid, and with a higher number, the water level of the rivers will increase.

– In the Kolubara basin with tributaries, Jadra with tributaries, Ljubovidja, Upper West Morava with tributaries, Lim and Ibar with tributaries, water levels have been moderate and higher since last night without reaching alert levels. In the torrential waterways of the upper reaches of the West Morava with its tributaries, the Lima and the Ibar with its tributaries, minor local spills are possible, indicates the RHMZ warning.

Cold, the first snow comes

Today it is cloudy, cold and windy in Serbia. In the morning in the southwest, and in the afternoon and evening elsewhere, a gradual cessation of rainfall.

The wind will be moderate and strong, west and northwest. The lowest temperature is 7 to 13 C, the highest 10 to 16 C, announced the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic.

In Belgrade, cloudy with rain, cold and windy. In the afternoon and evening, gradual cessation of rainfall.

Moderate and strong wind, west and northwest. Lowest temperature around 7, highest around 10 degrees.

According to the forecast for seven days, more precisely until October 20, Wednesday will be dry and a little warmer with partial clearance. Starting Thursday again changing, occasionally with rain, at the end of the dry period.

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
