The shocking statements of the uncle and ex-girlfriend of the stepfather who beat the boy to death


The trial of stepfather Zoran Albić (25) from Prahovo, accused of brutally murdering little Luna Firulović (2.5), continued today in the Negotin High Court.

At the hearing, Albić’s uncle, who has the same name and surname as him, and the defendant’s ex-girlfriend Mira B, who claimed that he also beat her, were questioned. The defendant misbehaved, tried to influence witnesses several times.

The indictment accuses Albić (24) of brutally beating a girl Luna (2.5), the daughter of his unmarried wife Vesna Firulović (24), on the night of May 26-27 last year.

According to the indictment, when he returned from the city to the family home in Prague, he broke dishes and threw things around the house, cutting the cheekbone on the thumb of his right hand. That upset little Luna, so the girl started crying. Albić asked the boy to stop crying, however, Luna could not out of fear. He slapped her twice, according to the indictment. He threw away the perpetual tablet and I stayed home with the child.

An autopsy found 39 serious and serious injuries on the boy’s body.

The injured family’s lawyer, Marko Stanković, who represents the injured family in front of the Tijana Jurić Foundation, said that the defendant’s uncle tried to change his statement given in the indictment at one point, but was ultimately left with he. As he says, Albić’s ex-girlfriend remained in his prosecution statement.

– The uncle first said that he would stick to his statement that he knew that the defendants had beaten them, but then he tried to change that he did not see it with his own eyes. The Trial Chamber immediately noticed that there were irregularities or inconsistencies, for which it raised sub-questions in that direction. In the end, the witness kept that old statement, that is, he confirmed everything he said in the prosecution – says Stanković.

Witness Mira B, Albić’s ex-girlfriend, who also testified today, kept her testimony delivered to the prosecution.

– And it was that before he was violent, that he beat her personally, that it is known that he beat other girls, that he knew how to drink, he broke things in the house. Practically, their testimonies confirm the accusation, and in that sense, for us, this search was successful – he says.

Igor Juric also attended the trial and they both noted that Albic tried to influence witnesses today.

– The accused behaved incorrectly, in the sense that he tried several times to influence the witness, his uncle, by throwing something at him. With flinging and apologizing in court, as if wanting to say something, he tried to order his uncle to change his statement. That’s why he tried to change his statement, says Stanković, and Jurić adds that he also noticed his ex-girlfriend noticeably.

Juric adds that in addition to the new facts and established testimonies, they are one hundred percent certain that Albic deserves the most severe punishment he can currently receive.

“It’s 40 years in prison,” he says.

Two experts, who are expected in the next main search, did not appear at today’s trial for good reasons.

Vesna Firulović, the mother of the murdered girl, who initially claimed that Luna fell from an unsecured terrace, and even covered Zoran, agreed with the Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Negotin in October last year a sentence of eight years in prison. It is also the maximum punishment for the crime of not providing assistance to a defenseless person, for which she was charged. She was also banned from leaving her parents’ home and is waiting to serve her sentence with a babysitter.

The autopsy, carried out by experts from the Nis Institute of Forensic Medicine, ruled out the possibility that the girl fell from the unsecured terrace on September 30th Street in Prahovo, where she lived for a month and a half with her mother and Zoran.

The boy had multiple injuries to the head and scalp and fractures to the upper arm.

The next hearing is scheduled for October 21.

( Telegraf, Lj. R.)

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