The shocking Putin and Clinton transcript speaks of Slobo!


THIS UNCONFIRMED DOCUMENT ABOUT OCTOBER 5 STILL TALKED TODAY: A shocking transcript of the Putin and Clinton conversation on Slobo!

Photo: Profimedia / Alexei Druzhinin, Profimedia

Six days after the election of the president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in which Vojislav Kostunica, candidate of the opposition DOS, obtained the majority of votes in the first round, and Slobodan Milosevic tried to celebrate the second round, Bill Clinton, the president from the United States, called Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On September 30, the leaders of the world’s two biggest powers agreed that Milosevic, the undisputed leader of Serbia since 1989, must finally resign, Alo reports.

The transcript of the conversation, from which the tag “strictly confidential” was removed in 2019, states that the dialogue began with the usual exchange of diplomatic courtesies: Clinton says: “Hello Vladimir, it is good that you have accepted the invitation”, and Putin responds: “Good morning to you too.” Bill, I am glad to hear your voice.

In keeping with the American mindset, Clinton immediately gets to the point.

Clinton: “I understand that this is a delicate and difficult time, but I must tell you that we must accept the fact that the opposition in Belgrade (in the elections on September 24) won in the first round and will not participate in the second because that would allow Milosevic reshape the elections. ” the will of the people, and I fear that in this way it could cause serious instability in Montenegro. The best that can happen is that Milosevic realizes that he must admit defeat, and I’m sure you are the only person who can convince him of that. It is clear to me that this is an unpleasant situation for you, but I suggest that you send (Milosevic) a private, not public message, and insist that it is better for him to leave, and that you make it clear that Russia respects the choice. the will of the citizens of Serbia. It seems to me that we are faced with a choice between a violent and peaceful handover of power in Serbia, and Russia is a country that can play a decisive role in this whole matter. “

Putin: “Bill, we are aware of the fact that your analysts and experts in the Balkans are very carefully evaluating what steps need to be taken, but we must both speak quite frankly, I emphasize, VERY openly. I recently spoke with (then German Chancellor Gerhard) Schroeder I suggested that a secret meeting of our foreign ministers or national security advisers be organized in Belgrade with the Serbian opposition leaders, but Kostunica refused. However, we explained very precisely our position that Russia does not want to see each other. cornered and be in a position to support any undemocratic solution. I want to tell you clearly that I think now is the right time for Milosevic to leave the political scene peacefully, but I’m not sure that he will. “

Putin invited Vojislav Kostunica to make an official visit to Moscow, where, in the presence of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ivanov, he would agree to talk with Milosevic about a peaceful transfer if Milosevic allows a recount in the presence of international observers.

Putin: “It’s just our idea, no one has to accept it. Although I honestly don’t think we would get anything with so much additional pressure on Milosevic, we would just waste our time.”

Clinton: “Let me ask you specifically: how can we eliminate Milosevic?”

Putin: “Do you think we should take it somewhere?”

Clinton: “Yes. Are you afraid to leave the cabinet?” (Serbian Presidency Building)

Putin: “I could talk to him, tell him to admit electoral defeat and that the international community will not take any further action against him. But I still have to think about how to explain it to him.”

Clinton: “Will he be able to stay in Serbia after all, will the new government allow him to go somewhere?”

Putin: “I think it would be better if everyone stayed in Serbia.”

Clinton: “Yes, I think the same, although I don’t know what the mood will be.”

Putin: “Honestly, I don’t know either. Maybe he doesn’t even want to leave Serbia. In any case, we don’t need it as a gift. Why don’t we send it to America?

Clinton: “Yes, I understand what you mean. Anyway, it is not a bad idea for the opposition leader to come to Moscow. That would discourage Milosevic and significantly increase his chances of resigning. I will call you again, but it is important to know that Russia he will not let him get away with stealing the elections. “

Putin: “It is important that he cannot use Russia as an ace up his sleeve. Everyone in Yugoslavia should know our position.”

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Author: delivery courier
