THE SERBS WON EXCELLENTLY DURING THE CROWN: Their investment tripled, this is how they did it


Many of them also traded shares of other companies on foreign stock exchanges, so their profits, if they knew when to leave the shares, were much higher.

Approximately 5,000 of our citizens trade Tesla shares, and their average stake is around 5,000 euros each. Thus, the calculation shows that each of them could earn more than 15,000 euros in less than a year, just on the shares of a company. The current price of Tesla shares on the stock market is just under $ 600, and in early 2020 it was $ 86.

Tesla received significant recognition on November 16, when Dow Jones announced that it would include it in the index list, the S&P 500, which includes the best companies (large and medium) in the United States. After four profitable quarters in a row, the stock market board of this renowned index gave the green light to Tesla, which will officially become an integral part of the index on December 21.

After this announcement, Tesla shares “rose” more than 13 percent. The next day, during regular trading, the stock achieved additional growth of more than 8 percent.

The company will be one of the 10 most valuable in the S&P 500 index, with a market capitalization that is currently $ 8.2 billion.

By the way, some 8,000 Serbs are currently listed in shares of foreign companies, which is practically double the number five years ago.


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