THE SERBS STILL CANNOT JOIN THE EU! Borders for our citizens remain closed even after October 1


However, citizens of Serbia will not be able to travel freely to the countries of the European Union as of tomorrow, it was decided today in Brussels.

Although Serbia, according to official data, has less than 14 people infected with the corona virus per 100,000 inhabitants (in the previous period, the number of infected per 100,000 was mentioned as a required limit), the competent EU institutions do not they have expanded the green list of third countries without restriction.

Diplomatic sources in Germany, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU, confirmed to Tanjug that the ambassadors of the member states did not review the list of those countries that can enter the territory of the EU based on the epidemiological situation, even in today’s meeting in Brussels.

The list of 11 countries has not changed since August, and Brussels notes that this is due to the unstable epidemiological situation in the Western Balkans, the EU and the world.

After several months of closing external borders to stop the spread of the Kovid-19 pandemic, the EU formed a list of third countries in July based on which it is better or similar. An epidemiological situation was allowed to enter the Schengen area.

In the first two weeks of July, Serbia was among the 15 countries for which the recommendation to travel free to the EU was valid. Due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the country, Serbia was removed from the list in mid-July.

Currently green light Citizens of Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China have the right to join the EU, which is also subject to the condition of reciprocity for citizens from the EU traveling to its territory.

A new representative sample of the situation of the competent EU institution will be held on October 15, but realistically no changes are expected until the situation with the corona virus also calms down in the European Union.

VIDEO: How Serbs celebrate when they cross the Greek border
