The Serbs sold the Serbs in The Hague!



18.10.2020. 07:00

Radovan Karadzic

It is still a secret who took the multi-million dollar reward for the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, Photo: AP

Serbs were beheaded by Serbs at the Hague Court, to avoid guilt and long-term imprisonment! This is exclusively revealed for “Hello!” By the famous Belgrade lawyer Borivoje Borović in his book “The Hague Road”, which will be released after the New Year. Borovic claims that there were about fifty false witnesses who sent the Serbian defendants to a long-term prison with their testimonies.

– In The Hague I met our generals, military personnel and policemen, who testified and lied against our defendants in various trials, for fear that they would be prosecuted. Among them were several protected witnesses from Serbia, and some of them were journalists, who lied in favor of the Hague court. I proved it through verdicts. In the name of that, they received money and later formed various non-governmental organizations, whose members gave lectures around the world on the alleged crimes of the Serbs, all false. There were a dozen protected witnesses, and in several cases against the Serbs there were around 50 false witnesses: Borovic, who defended Miroslav Radic (58), a former JNA officer, was acquitted of complicity in The Hague for four and a half years . the murders and torture of Croatian prisoners in Vukovar in 1991.

Borivoje Borović, lawyer

Borivoje Borović writes the book The Hague Road in which he reveals how the Serbian generals and policemen lied, lawyer, Photo: Dejan Briza / Alo

Albanians bought verdicts

Borovic notes that there was a lot of talk in the Hague Court among lawyers about how the accused Albanians bought the acquittals, despite the fact that there was much evidence against them in favor of the Serbian side.

– It was very unusual that despite the large amount of evidence against Albanian soldiers, which was obtained by the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office and presented to the Hague Court, they were acquitted of the same obstacle! Croatian lawyers and others were also shocked by this and said it was very possible that they bought the verdicts. The evidence was so obvious and unveiled under inexplicable circumstances: Borovic reveals what was happening behind the scenes at The Hague Tribunal.

Ramush Haradinaj

Ramush Haradinaj, Photo: AP / Michaeld Corder

According to the well-known lawyer Ramush Haradinaj (52), a former KLA commander in the Decani area, who was acquitted of crimes against civilians in western Kosovo in 1998 in the Hague Court, was magically released.

Released Miroslav Radić

On September 27, 2007, Borovic acquitted the court in a trial against the so-called “Troika Vukovar”, when his client Miroslav Radic was acquitted of aiding and inciting the killings and torture of Croatian prisoners in Vukovar in 1991. Radic voluntarily surrendered to the Hague court in April 2003. Upon his arrival in Serbia in late September 2007, he said that his release had proven the truth and that he hoped he would not be the last Serb to be acquitted before the Hague Court.

– Haradinaj was known to have killed witnesses, but there was no evidence. There was evidence for others, but acquittals were approved – says our well-known defense attorney.

Meeting with Milosevic

Slobodan milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic said Borovic supported his fight for the Serbs, Photo: EPA

Borovic also reveals that he had the opportunity to meet former FRY President Slobodan Milosevic and radical leader Vojislav Seselj in The Hague.

– I met with Milosevic in court and we shook hands. I spoke to him like a man. However, I avoided the next meetings because I remembered his behavior when he was a dictator in Serbia. But I humanly shook hands there, because I was sorry that I was in The Hague. After that, he kept telling his lawyer Zdenko Tomanović: “Well, Borović also supports me in the defense of the Serbs,” whatever that means. Zdenko told me and said: “Kill me, he mentions every day how he saw you and how you support his fight for the Serb.” I met Seselj, we were on good terms. I used to be his defense attorney in Serbia, we saw each other and even gave him suggestions for one of his cases: Borović reveals exclusively for “Alo!” hot spicy.
