
A Serb died today in an earthquake in the village of Majske Poljana, near Glina, and two more locals are believed to be Serbs, but that has yet to be officially confirmed, the Charge d’Affaires at the Serbian embassy in Croatia told Tanjug. , Davor Trkulja.

Two Croats, who migrated from Bosnia and Herzegovina to this once mostly Serb village, were also killed in that village, and two locals are listed as missing, Trkulja added.

Among the victims of today’s earthquake in Croatia are two Serbs and a girl from a mixed Serbo-Croatian marriage, who was the first identified victim of the earthquake, the president of the Serbian National Council (SNV), Milorad Pupovac, said tonight.

Milorad Pupovac

Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

Milorad Pupovac

– Of the seven earthquake victims, five were identified in Majske poljane in the Glina city area, of which two are Croatian immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and one Croat inhabited from other parts of Croatia, as well as two Serbs, a a young man and an old man, said Pupovac. Tanjug.

The seventh victim, as Pupovac said, is an organist found in the ruins of the parish church of St. Nikola and Vida in Žažina.

– Regarding the damage, in some areas the damage is great, such as Majske poljanje and the city of Glina itself, as well as the city of Petrinja and some villages in the city of Petrinja, Sisak, Kostajnica and a little less Dvor na Uni – said Pupovac.

Damaged Orthodox temples

As far as Serbian institutions are concerned, the biggest damage is the Serbian Orthodox Church parsonage in Petrinja, where, as Pupovac said, the renovation of the 250-year-old building, which housed the parsonage, was completed a couple of years ago. years.

Photo: SPC / Photos transferred

– Inside was a chapel. That must collapse because much has been destroyed, now the record books and valuable gospels are being saved, Pupovac specified.

The Serbian Orthodox Church in Sisak has also been damaged and there is no information yet on other Serbian churches, the SNV president said.

Photo: SPC / Photos transferred

– People sleep in cars in front of houses, take care of their livestock and their property. Tonight, the government launched an initiative for the acquisition of containers, so that people can stay in front of their houses and begin repairs, added Pupovac.

“The Serbs lived there, they were left with nothing”

– Not a single house was saved in Majske Poljane, they all died. Poor people lived there, almost all Serbs, who were now left with nothing, Branka Bakšić, deputy mayor of Glina, told “Novosti”.

According to her, tomorrow several caravans from Poreč will arrive in the village so that people can live in them until they find permanent accommodation.

– It is a very poor place, without public lighting. People are very sad for having lost and for how little they had. I hope help will arrive as soon as possible – says Bakšić.

At least eight victims, the youngest girl (12)

At least eight people died in the devastating earthquake that hit Petrinja and Sisak today. The earthquake was felt throughout Croatia, but also in 11 neighboring countries. Among the dead there are two sons, but also a grandfather, father and son of the same family. The first victim is a 12-year-old girl.

Dozens of buildings were damaged and some were razed.

You can follow all the details related to the earthquake in Croatia minute by minute on the “Blic” blog.

VIDEO: Chaos in the streets of Croatia after the earthquake
