The Serbian professor explained everything that interests us about vitamin D and why it is not good to take it in the morning.



08.12.2020. 18:13

Professor Dr. Dino Tarabar, KBC gastroenterologist and oncologist “Dr. Dragisa Misovic”, who struggled with severe covid symptoms, explained how important probiotics are for immunity, when to take vitamin D, and what large amounts of antibiotics can cause.

Dino Tarabar

Dino Tarabar, Photo: Printscreen / RTS

Professor Tarabar reminded viewers that the intestinal system is the largest immune organ in the body and that probiotics are key to maintaining and building immunity.

He mentioned that there are 10 times more bacteria in the human body than cells, and that their function is to preserve immunity, and that the percentage of bad bacteria should not exceed 15 percent.

That is why these bacteria do a lot, a lot of work for us and protect us from strong bacteria, other dangerous and toxic things, increase our immunity and capacity. – the teacher explained to the RTS Ordinacija show.

As he added, “we have to feed those good bacteria.”

Do you take vitamins?

You feed the heart, the lungs and everything. We also have to feed our microbiome. And they look for food. If they have not received food, which is fiber and vegetable food, the pe-ha value will change, the permeability in the intestines will change. They will suffer – he noted and noted that bacteria affect many other processes, such as obesity, diabetes, allergies, the nervous system, as well as the development of many diseases. – multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

He explained that bacteria have their own rhythm and time when they are awake and when they sleep.

– If you don’t sleep, the bacteria don’t sleep either. He is harassing them – said Professor Tarabar and added that if we take care of them, we will be fine.

Why not take a lot of antibiotics?

– We are very prone to taking antibiotics for viral infections. That antibiotic is supposed to kill the pathogenic bacteria that we assume caused the disease, but the antibiotic also kills all other good bacteria. Then the balance begins to break and that’s why we give probiotics with antibiotics – he explained and emphasized that large amounts of antibiotics upset the intestinal flora, but that the excessive use of these types of drugs is the most common mistake people make.

The variety in the intestines, which is obtained with a proper diet, is important, while sugar stands out as the worst possible food for it.

It is absolutely processed and absorbed in the small intestine. What comes in thick – nothing. So you are not feeding your bacteria. But if you eat complex carbohydrates, they cannot be fully reproduced, like cellulose, when you eat an apple with the skin. You cannot process it in your small intestine. It will reach the large intestine and there are good bacteria waiting to feed on cellulose and do us all good – he said, adding that “bacteria will suffer if they do not feed on complex carbohydrates and there will be an inadequate defense. clostridia, candida, and similar bacteria will multiply and begin to harm us. “

In addition to antibiotics, non-steroidal antirheumatic drugs, such as diclofen and ibuprofen, which people drink along with aspirin, are also harmful because they can cause ulcerations in the intestines that look like ulcerative polyitis.

– It is very dangerous and it also disturbs the intestinal flora – said Dino Tarabar.

When should you take vitamin D?

Don’t drink vitamin D in the morning. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Corticosteroids are secreted more in the morning. You don’t have to fight them, they are stronger. Since corticosteroids reduce secretion during the day, add vitamin D, but 2,000 units. The therapeutic dose of kovid is 10,000 units. – Tarabar declared for RTS.

His recommendation is to take 2,000 units a day. You should also take the following minerals and vitamins: zinc, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin C, which should be drunk in larger doses, up to 6,000 milligrams.

– As part of my recovery, I received 30 to 40 grams of vitamin C intravenously – he emphasized.

Why are probiotics important?

Dr. Tarabar stated that research was conducted that showed that patients who drank probiotics had a milder clinical picture and that their treatment lasted less than the pneumonia disorder. The effect of probiotics lasts as long as they are drunk and for up to six to seven days after that, he explained.

If you want the effect of them, you need to drink them constantly. If you need it, as we give for some chronic diseases such as nervous intestine, ulcerative colitis and even Crohn’s disease. – said Professor Tarabar and noted that there are no problems with consuming probiotics for a long time.

It is important to know that no probiotic can remain permanently in the body unless it is permanently ingested through certain foods. The list of foods rich in probiotics includes yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, garlic, and mango.

If you are ingesting it and if you have a variety of all of these foods, you should not take probiotics – said prof. Dr. Dino Tarabar.

We must also mention the sourdough bread, which is made with natural yeast.

– There is no yeast, but black rye bread turns into natural yeast and is that sour bread, without yeast. Its base is with probiotic bacteria – Tarabar mentioned and recommended avoiding white bread because of the simple sugars it contains.
