The Serbian government has changed the decision on measures on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina – World


The political decision of the Serbian government, evaluated yesterday morning in the Bosnian media, which came into force today, according to which citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the entity of the Republika Srpska do not need a PCR test when entering Serbia, while the citizens of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina need, during the day, because followed by strong reactions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, changed very quickly.

The Serbian authorities have modified the decision on measures on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina 1Photo: FoNet / Bozidar Petrovic

As Danas was told in the office of the member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zeljko Komsic, who we asked for comment on Serbia’s decision on the border measures, “after the talks between Komsic and Aleksandar Vucic on treatment for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina entering Serbia, the Serbian President said that the measure would be abolished. The same treatment applies to all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “

During the morning, our newspaper sent an inquiry to the address of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia with a request to confirm the accuracy of the information on the measures at the border, whether one applies to citizens of the Republika Srpska and another to other citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we did not receive a response until the conclusion of this document. . We did not receive any response from the Ministry of the Interior of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from which we also requested confirmation of the information.

The day before, according to the Bosnia and Herzegovina media, “The Serbian Border Police Administration informed the Bosnia and Herzegovina Border Police that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina residing in the Republic Srpska entity they can enter Serbia without a PCR test, but with a mandatory 10-day isolation, while all others Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens must present a negative PCR test at the border. “

The news was also confirmed by the Bosnian border police. As the spokeswoman for the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Franka Vican, said on Sunday, “according to the amended decision of the Government of Serbia, citizens of the Republika Srpska must remain in isolation for 10 days without passing the PCR test and must indicate the exact address where they will remain during isolation. “

According to the Bosnia and Herzegovina media, Vučić’s reaction came about because “they realized that the original decision was discriminatory”, taking into account that he allegedly treats the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina differently according to the entity in which they live.

Before the “Vučić intervention”, some politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina condemned the Serbian government’s decision. For the member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the FBiH, Nihad Čolpa, the decision is “scandalous”. He stated that Serbia “puts white ribbons in the hands of citizens who do not live in the RS entity and destroys the territorial sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, that is, with this decision, says Čolpa, it recognizes the sovereignty of the RS entity.

It is not within the jurisdiction of Serbia to take care of the residence of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina if they have a valid passport, he added, unless Serbia considers that it “annexed the RS entity, as Russia did with Crimea and Donbas.” “A passport is a document that is equally valid for all its holders or for no time at all,” Cholpa said. He wonders what it would be like if “German citizens residing in Bavaria could enter Bosnia and Herzegovina and those from Baden-Württemberg could not.”

“The shameful silence of the highest state officials who did not react to the undiplomatic and uncivilized decision of the authorities in Serbia is also worrying,” he concluded. There were calls from the Social Democratic Party for the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to introduce reciprocal measures in Serbia without delay, when its citizens enter Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Serbia’s decision to introduce a discriminatory ruling according to which the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina from one part of the country do not have to undergo PCR tests, unlike our citizens from another administrative unit, is an unprecedented diplomatic scandal. “Bosnia and Herzegovina must react quickly and decisively and introduce the obligation to carry out PCR tests for all citizens of Serbia when entering our country,” they said in the SDP.

The former head of Bosnia and Herzegovina diplomacy, Zlatko Lagumdzija, assessed that the “white ribbons” that Serbia presented to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Federation are a direct and blind attack on our statehood. The members of the Presidency, the Council of Ministers, the ministers, the ruling parties and their leaders are directly responsible. “Let them at least spare us cheap patriotism and start doing their job,” Lagumdzija said.

The bottom line is that now all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who want to enter Serbia must undergo a PCR test or can enter without a PCR test, but must spend 10 days in isolation. In that case, when entering Serbia, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina must also indicate the exact address in Serbia where they will remain during isolation.

As explained above, “citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign citizens who have obtained temporary residence or permanent residence in Serbia, as well as members of diplomatic and consular staff and their families, who do not have a test of PCR refusal issued by a reference laboratory in the country they arrive, no more than 48 hours after the date of issuance of the results, upon entering Serbia, home quarantine is determined for a period of 10 days. “

At the same time, they are obliged to report to the competent kovid clinic or the Institute of Public Health within 24 hours after crossing the state border.

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