THE SERBIAN DOCTOR WARNED THE PUBLIC: For them POLICE TIME and draconian measures will be introduced! The situation becomes critical


“I think we will be forced to adopt draconian measures, restrictions on movement, constant use of masks … These measures will have to be implemented,” says the doctor.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Diligenski, neuropsychiatrist and director of psychiatry at the “Dragiša Mišović” Clinical Hospital, gave an explanation about who are these people who refuse to wear masks indoors, despite the fact that this measure is regulated by law in Serbia.

– I think the time will soon come when it will be an order, with masks inside, that there will no longer be “will or will not”. We are entering a crisis situation, the hospitals are full of patients, the number of infected among the staff is increasing. I fear that we are in the lobby of the great problems that await us. We see what is happening in Spain, France, Italy, Austria, I believe that we will be forced to adopt draconian measures, restrictions on movement, the constant use of masks and this will be the smallest measure that can be adopted and will have to be implemented – points out. Dr. Diligenski adds that wearing masks outdoors is not a problem and that one must get used to it.

Why do some people not wear masks, is it rebellion, distrust or something else?

– You have between 5 and 10 percent of personality disorders that always go “with the wind” – says the doctor and adds that he is not too strict, that there is always that in the general population.

– They will not use it on purpose, well – people are too tired, they have tired of everything, sometimes it is the result of some inertia, they do not care. If measures are prescribed and draconian punishments are introduced, all will bear them. That’s the least that can be learned, and the health care system bears the greatest burden, doctors and staff working under masks and spacesuits, says Dr. Diligenski, noting that the elderly adhere to the measure disciplinarily.

– The older ones respect because they fear for their life, the younger ones think that, even if they are infected, they will have a milder form or will not present symptoms – says the doctor and points out that the uncertainty about the crown makes us tense and upset. He also points out that we are prone to “catastrophic thinking” and sees the solution in “finding peace.”

– We need to find peace with ourselves and within the family, we need to be physically active because we relax by exercising. Communication with others is important, notes Dr. Diligenski.
