THE SERBIAN DOCTOR TREATED THE CROWN TWICE “The first time I was infected was at Easter, when all my family, and in June I already thought it was becoming CHRONIC”


In recent weeks, there has been much talk in the global public about the increasing number of cases of people who have been infected with the corona virus twice. These examples, crisis staff members confirmed, were also in Serbia, and one of them was one of our renowned doctors.

This is the director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, Dr. Marija Zdravković.

– I realized that I was sick at Easter when I first arrived and then the whole family. The middle son literally had a sore skin while taking a shower, the oldest had a fever and stomach problems, and his daughter had a sore throat with a temperature above 39 degrees. My husband, a doctor, had to go to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, from where he told me that in the bed next to me, like me, my spine hurts with a low body temperature – Dr. Zdravković told Novosti and added that her mother also died from the corona virus.

He was soon recovered, like everyone else in the house. She was examined twice by PCR tests and the antibody test. She was, she says, fine.

– In June, I felt tired again, sweating. I admit that at first I thought this crown of mine was “chronic.” A friend from school, our first infectious disease specialist, Dr. Stevanović, assured me that it was not. With his therapy and that second round, I was able to “run away” and get back to work – explained Dr. Marija Zdravković.

She has no dilemma on what is the best solution in the fight against the crown.

– The vaccine would be the best solution for a pandemic, although there is still a long testing process – Dr. Zdravković is clear about this.
