THE SERBIAN DOCTOR explains in which case the PCR TEST IS THE MOST RELIABLE: He also explains what ALARMING CONSEQUENCE the KORONA VIRUS can leave, and which is rarely mentioned


Professor Dr. Nenad Arsović, director of the Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center, said in an interview with “Novosti” that due to the demanding technique of taking swabs from the area behind the nose, swabs are also taken from the posterior wall of the pharynx, because if there is a virus in the pharyngeal mucosa, it certainly exists deep in the nasal cavity:

“The amount of pain the patient will feel, or how uncomfortable they will feel when taking the swab, depends on whether they have anatomical deformities of the nose, such as a crooked nasal septum, wide or narrow nasal passages, but also on how psychologically they tolerate this kind of diagnosis. “, notes Dr. Arsović.

* Was it said that you can also remove a swab from the crown of the ear?

“There is no swab to diagnose coronavirus, because there is no virus in the outer ear. The outer ear is covered with skin, not mucosa. This means that the swab must be taken from the middle ear, which is lined with mucosa.” sample would have to be taken for the patient to sleep and the eardrum to be surgically opened. This is a completely irrational approach and there is no reason to apply it. “

* Why is my sense of smell and taste lost due to the kovid 19 virus?

“So far, a meta-analysis of six studies has confirmed that loss of the sense of smell occurs in an average of 53 percent of those infected. A study conducted at one of the Harvard University institutes showed that kovid attacks cells sensory sense of smell and therefore blocks the detection of odors. According to some studies, loss of the sense of smell is the first symptom of kovid in 30 percent of those infected. “

Most patients with a positive test, among other things, lose their sense of smell and taste.

Most patients with a positive test, among other things, lose their sense of smell and taste. Photo: Profimedia

* The same probably applies to the sense of taste?

“Yes, it is the same mechanism. The only difference is that the loss of the sense of taste occurs in a smaller percentage of those infected.”

* Is a complete recovery of these senses possible?

“Absolutely, because the loss of smell and taste due to the corona virus is temporary. The only thing that worries me is the indications that this infection can cause permanent hearing damage.”

* How serious are these indications?

“They are serious in the sense that they can happen. But that does not mean that it happens to all patients. It has been found to occur in a smaller number of infected people, but there are still very few studies to suggest that consequence. Now that kovid triggers three mechanisms that affect permanent hearing loss. “

* What happens in the ear due to a covid infection?

“First, the virus can damage the organ of Corti, that is, the neuroepithelial cells responsible for hearing. The second mechanism causes the only artery that feeds the inner ear to be blocked. As pulmonary microembolisms occur due to covid, it is possible the embolism of this artery is that the medicines used to treat the infection by covid are toxic for the sense of hearing “.

* Will hearing be screened in our patients who have undergone COVID?

“We have an agreement with the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases that those cured of covids should come for a hearing check. The fact is that we will not have data on what their hearing was like before the infection, but we will find out by talking to the patient and then we will evaluate is listening after a previous infection. “

* Was the ENT clinic not declared a covid hospital in the first or second peak of the epidemic?

“No, we cared for non-covid patients whose conditions were urgent or those who were being treated for malignant tumors. We were one of the few clinics for that purpose. But that is why our doctors and nurses sought help in the first peak of the epidemic. . in covid hospitals, they volunteered at a time when little was known about the corona virus, “concludes Dr. Arsović for” Novosti. ”
