THE SERBIAN CITIZENS TEST BEGINS TODAY This is a very essential thing that cannot be seen through the PCR TESTS


In the crisis period, a seroepidemiological study will be carried out throughout Serbia to determine the level of collective immunity.

The focus of the action will be on the so-called representative sample, which will represent the sample from across the country, not individual cities or areas, which at times may have been more focused.

As previously announced, the study is targeting approximately 7,000 households, or approximately 17,000 citizens.

When it carries antibodies

It will also analyze if someone carries antibodies, which is not evident through PCR tests. that detect the current infection. Antibodies are detected by ELISA tests that show if we have been infected and have no symptoms.

The Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy (INEP) will work on the development of ELIZA tests.

photo: Profimedia

Collective immunity is verified so that future measures can be planned and formulated.

As stated by crisis personnel, the great work ahead and that will not be completed in a few days will also serve to plan future behavior against this virus.

In addition, local epidemiological services will carry out local tests where there have been more infected.

The study is led by Professor Tatjana Pekmezovic, and in addition to professors from the Faculty of Medicine, it includes professors and researchers from other medical institutions and various scientific institutions, including INEP.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
