I do not know what to believe. I met the Belgian by chance. I stopped because I needed a ride home and he stopped. It turned out that he lived in my village and relatively close to me. So we started working together.
He seemed normal and friendly, I was surprised when the police came looking for him. Thus begins the story of Kurir Trajko V. from the village of Veliki Krčmar near Kragujevac, who collaborated with the famous Belgian Erik Lamers (60).

Interpol order
Lamers was arrested on October 7 at his home in Veliki Krcmar on an interpol warrant on suspicion of raping a child. It was later revealed that he had been imprisoned several times in his homeland, as well as that he was a member of a neo-Nazi gang and a mafia gang, with which numerous robberies, murders and rapes have been linked.
– In Belgium, it is known by the nickname of Beast! He was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a father and son, who were diamond traders, in Antwerp in 1991, but was released on parole in 2002, Nieuwsblad.be reported. Trajko V. says Lamers has lived in her village for the past six years, bought a house there, and started a business. – He said he was in jail, but not why, and I was embarrassed to ask him. He told me that he learned the Serbian language while he was still in prison in Belgium, and that while learning the language, he also fell in love with our culture. That’s why he decided to live here, and the price of the house suited him, says Trajko.

He explains that Eric was fair to him.
– Had the production of carpentry parts. He exported the merchandise to Belgium – says the interlocutor and continues: – He bought the house with a single woman, originally from Morocco. She would come here from time to time when she found cheap airline tickets. And his father came once a year. Honestly, I was surprised when our police came to arrest him, I was there. He simply gave me the keys to the house and asked me to feed the dog and cat.
I went to funerals and celebrations
He says that although the locals found it strange that the Belgian chose to live in a village in Šumadija, no one has a bad word for him.
– It suited us. He also attended funerals, celebrations, and helped his neighbors with some daily chores. Every time I worked for him, he paid me. He cooked too, but I couldn’t eat you. Lamers also raised bees and traveled freely in Serbia, because he took them to graze. – He went to Vojvodina, he moved normally. It is not clear to me how a man could move so freely if he had a court order. I’m amazed, because I didn’t get the impression that he was hiding anything – concludes Trajko.
Locals upset about the arrest
We don’t care that the beast lived among us, Veliki Krčmar’s neighbors say they were scared when they discovered that a double murderer and a suspected pedophile lived among them.
– Now it has caught me a little scared. When I think of the house he bought, I don’t feel well, because I am the mother of a minor child. The house is at the end of the town, separated from the others, now you may be clear why you chose it. It is surrounded by a high fence, there are also trees, so the patio is not visible – says the local and adds that out of fear he spoke with his daughter and asked her that she did not see him by chance when she was alone or that he did not offer her something inappropriate. Her neighbor says she saw Lamers only a few times, because he was withdrawn. – I do not care. If he really is a murderer and everything they suspect of him, then thank God he did no harm here, I shudder when I only think of him – he says and adds: – I remember, two years ago, he passed by our house. , he had a cap. He didn’t even say good morning. My late father said then how terrible it was that he and my mother lived alone, because, well, you don’t know who that man could be. As if she could have felt some evil in him.
Criminal record
1984 – Convicted of robbery
1991 – Convicted of double murder
2002 – released from prison
2007 – fled Belgium
2008: Arrested in Serbia on suspicion of sexually abusing a girl’s daughter at the time
2012 – acquitted before a Belgian court in a sex crime case
Kurir.rs/Jelena Rafailović / photo: Bogdana Đ.

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Author: delivery courier