The sand is filling unstoppably, the good weather is affecting the spread of the virus, the danger is greater than this summer


HEADQUARTERS OF MINISTER DARIJA'S CRISIS: The sand is filling unstoppably, the good weather is affecting the spread of the virus, the danger is greater than this summer

Photo: Printscreen, Ana Paunković, Shutterstock, Marina Lopičić

Crisis staff members for the fight against kovid-19 address the public with the latest representative sample of the situation and information on the fight against the virus pandemic.

In the last 24 hours in Serbia, 11,004 citizens were tested for the corona virus, of which 1,545 tested positive. Five more people died. There are 47 ventilator patients in hospitals across the country.

The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic is 814.

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that the health system is under considerable burden and that more than 100 hospital beds have been occupied in the last 24 hours. The largest number of new patients is in Belgrade (796) and Novi Sad (111).

As of yesterday, there are 23 new patients in the “Arena” in Belgrade alone, and a total of 121.

– As of September 1, 313 cases of kovid have been confirmed in schools. Just last week, there were 156 new cases. We have a growing trend, but most of the cases are sporadic because the infection occurred outside of school, said Kisić Tepavčević, adding that most of the infected students are in Belgrade.

photo: print screen

According to her, the virus was also confirmed in 120 users and employees of social protection institutions throughout the country.

The commander of the Karaburma military hospital, Lieutenant Colonel Anesthesiologist Dr. Ivo Udovicic, said that the situation in that institution was very difficult.

– The patients have a severe clinical picture and cannot live without oxygen – said Udovicic and said that currently 11 patients are life threatening.

Udovicic said the virus entered hospitals through patients who came for other reasons.

photo: print screen

– The most dangerous are people who do not have a clinical picture and who walk and go to parties without a mask. Each of them can be in Karaburma hospital tomorrow or elsewhere – said Udovicic, emphasizing that the medical staff is too tired.

Udovicic also cautioned that we don’t have enough nurses and anesthesiologists.

Kisic Tepavcevic emphasized that the school system is ready for online teaching from the beginning, but that he hopes that does not happen.

With each new day we have more and more carriers

– Every new day we have more and more carriers of the infection that can transmit the virus, not only laboratory-confirmed cases, but those who carry the virus without knowing it, and that is why it is of great importance to respect all epidemiological measures – warned the new Minister of Labor.

Lieutenant Colonel Udovicic warned that the current weather is affecting the spread of the virus and that it will now stay longer on work surfaces and other places than this summer.

– I am not in favor of any blockade, but rather of respecting the existing measures. Go to the malls, but wear a mask. The problem is people who do not respect epidemiological measures – said Udovicic on the occasion of the opening of a shopping center in Belgrade on water.

A difficult week for us

The Crisis Staff session took place after a very difficult week in which the record for new infections in 24 hours was broken several times.

Following the meeting with the directors of Kovid hospitals, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that the situation in Serbia is under control, regardless of the dramatic figures in recent days.

On that occasion, the decision was made that the 120,000 health workers receive financial support of 10,000 dinars. Vučić also stated that the temporary covid hospital in Batajnica will be open until December 1 and that the covid institution in Kruševac will start accepting patients by the end of the year at the latest.


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