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This is probably the most viewed photo in the world, seen by over a billion people every day since it became the desktop wallpaper for Windows XP in 2001.

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The photo, titled Bliss, was taken by Charles O’Rir, who lives in East San Francisco, and is of sentimental importance to him.

– I saw her in many different places. I saw her at the White House in the Kremlin, I don’t remember exactly who the interview was with, maybe Putin, and in the background was a picture of Windows XP. It’s all around us, even Chuck watches.

Charles took the photo near his home in Napa Valley, near San Francisco.

– A few years after the launch of XP, I received an email, I think from engineers who worked there, in which they said they had a photography contest.

The question was where the photo came from. Most of them thought the photo had been photocopied, but some of us thought it was taken somewhere near Microsoft’s Seattle headquarters.

“I told them they were all wrong,” he recalls, adding that he was glad to know that people enjoyed watching her.
