Representatives from the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs and Belgrade attended the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Safe House and delivered a donation of ten laptops and a stove.
The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, said that the strength of the state depends on the strength of its women and children, reported Beoinfo.
“For someone to feel strong, they must first feel safe,” Kisić Tepavčević said, adding that Safe House users were able to find strength and sought help in the right place.
He said that all state institutions must work as a team so that domestic violence is recognized in time and the perpetrators are punished.
Kisic Tepavcevic expressed his hope that the level of domestic violence will be reduced by the next anniversary of that institution. “The strength of a country depends on the strength of its women and children. For someone to feel strong, first of all they need to feel safe,” he said.
“We are aware of the fact that a large number of victims of domestic violence are suffering at the moment, and I appeal to all to seek help, have a place to come and that the state of Serbia take care of them,” Kisic Tepavcevic told Safe House users.

The Deputy Mayor, Goran Vesić, recalled that the Safe House was established 20 years ago, when Vesna Stanojević began to fight with various enthusiasts for the rights of women who are in danger from domestic violence.
“Today, 20 years later, we can say that the state has recognized this problem and created a legal framework on how to fight perpetrators of domestic violence,” Vesić said.
Safe House coordinator Vesna Stanojević emphasized that a lot has been done in 20 years and appreciated the help so far.
“The Belgrade safe house has cared for more than 3,000 women and children in 20 years and we will continue to do so in the future. Our common goal is to make the lives of women who have a problem more beautiful, dignified and in any case , different from what they’ve had so far. “Stanojevic said.