The SAA warns that many clubs in Belgrade work late into the night and violate crown measures


The Freedom and Justice Party (SAA) has warned that a large number of Belgrade clubs and rafts operate late into the night, thereby violating regulations passed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. They stated that thousands of people are being carried out in those places without any protection and distance measures, and that inspections, even when they go out on the pitch, should not enter the facilities in front of which there are angry men who claim that the clubs do not they work and there is no one inside. .

“And for the most part they don’t go out or check on the owners of ordinary restaurants, checking that no guests accidentally stay a minute after eleven. And for that, they punish hundreds of thousands of dinars for people whose income has been reduced. drastically due to the crown, “the statement read.

The SAA says there are dozens of clubs that are full of people.

“The owners are known, but there is no reaction from the state. Tomorrow they will explain to us how the crown is being extended due to the indiscipline of the citizens, how masks should be worn outside, how theaters, cinemas and then schools should be closed … Tomorrow they will present us again. driving bans and curfew, “the statement said, adding that they would once again accuse citizens of guilt for not complying with the measures.

“And the real reason will be the failure to comply with the measures by people close to the regime, who are allowed everything in Serbia today. Even if they directly endanger people’s lives,” they said in the SAA.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
