The SAA continues with the decision to boycott the elections


The Freedom and Justice Party is continuing with the decision to boycott the elections, SAA President Dragan Djilas told H1 after that party’s Presidency session at the Stargrad Municipality building in Belgrade.

Djilas said that the SAA Presidency session heard that there were votes to go to the polls, but that it was decided to stick to the decision to boycott the elections at all levels.

He said that the votes to go to the local elections, in the first place, were heard from central Serbia, where, as he said, people are more pressured than in Belgrade, and that is why they would like to go to the polls, show some resistance, although they know that under such conditions victory over the SNS is impossible.

Djilas noted that he is aware that the decision to boycott “is not easy or phenomenal,” but is convinced that it will allow for changes in Serbia in the near future and a peaceful change of government in the correct elections.

Commenting on the decision of the Free Citizens Movement to go to the polls, and the media’s accusations that other opposition parties are ready to change the boycott decision, Djilas said that due to the impression in Europe, it would be better if the opposition remained united.

He recalled that a diplomatic initiative was launched a week ago and a letter was sent to the European Parliament, which was also signed by the PSG, and which states that there are no conditions for fair elections in Serbia.

“We received a statement from some people in the European Parliament that there are no conditions for quick elections. I think (going to the polls) is bad, I don’t think anything will change if 80, 50 or 20 opposition MPs are in parliament” Djilas said. .

He added that the opposition politician, as well as other citizens, were imprisoned for 50 days in “a life that is not life”, that they were in euphoria and fear, and that in such conditions it was not necessary to change decisions.

“If this were a decent country, the president would say, ‘Let’s sit down, let’s talk, let’s move the elections forward to at least the fall,’ but no, I see sensational messages this morning that Chinese vaccines will come from Xi Jinping in June to save us.” “Who will get the Chinese vaccine that has not been tested? At first it’s crazy that the crown can’t do anything to us,” said the SAA president.

He also said that there was no talk today of the possibility of Stari Grad Mayor Marko Bastać participating in local elections, but presented, as he said, the heroic work that municipal leaders did during the coronavirus epidemic.
