“The Russian T-72MS tank is currently the best in the Balkans and beyond”


Belgrade – Lieutenant Colonel Goran Jovanovic of the Development and Equipment Directorate of the Army General Staff noted that the T-72MS tank is currently the best in the Balkans and the environment in general.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Photo: Ministry of Defense

As announced by the Ministry of Defense, it stated that the modernization that was carried out in that tank is complex and that in relation to the M-84 tanks, which are in operational use in our army, all the characteristics have been significantly improved, maneuverability, armor. protection and firepower.

“By installing an 840 horsepower engine, their mobility has increased. Our M-84 tank and the basic version of the T-72 tank have 780 horsepower engines installed,” he said.

He added that the tank is also equipped with an automatic transmission that allows the driver to drive more easily on maneuvering terrain.

According to him, the essence of the modernization is also in the optoelectronic means, because the optoelectronic aiming devices installed in the tank allow the commander and the shooter to observe the enemy more and better, and thus react faster and hit him earlier.

“The commander operates the panoramic observation device, which allows him to observe around the tank 360 degrees, regardless of the shooter, and thanks to that he can successfully see the target at distances of more than six kilometers,” said Jovanović.

He also claimed that the shooter can successfully fire at distances greater than six kilometers, depending on the type of projectile he uses.
