The report against the doctor who warned about the crown in Kursumlija was rejected


After more than six months of investigation, the Basic Prosecutor’s Office rejected the criminal complaint for causing panic and disturbances filed by the Kursumlija police against the Tomislav Arsenijevic Health Center doctor, because in April he told the media that he was suffering from corona without anyone I would like to do the test. , as well as suspecting that there are more infected among health workers and citizens.

In the report, Arsenijevic was accused of submitting false news on the Juzne vesti portal, a Belgrade Internet portal and Facebook page, and thus caused panic or serious disturbance of public order and peace, that is, “significantly obstructed the implementation of decisions and measures of state bodies, “they write. Southern news.

He gave false information to certain media about how the number of people infected by the corona virus is higher than the official number of patients, how a large number of employees of the Kursumlija Health Center were among them, and he himself published an X-ray of his lungs, claiming that he examined patients for days and weeks. Without any means of protection, while he was aware of his deed and wanted his execution, it is stated, among other things, in the criminal police report.

Arsenijevic assures that it is a shame that in the period in which he was fighting for his life and was seriously ill with the crown, someone doubted his words and interpreted everything as a political shooting, despite the fact that he was not involved in politics but as the only radiologist in Kursumlija. I work and wanted to protect my colleagues and especially the patients of this institution.

“At the time I was lying in the Nis Clinical Center and fighting for my life, someone thought I was inventing everything to undermine the healthcare system, where I have worked all my life and what I was educated for. I was there for a month, I was on a respirator and barely survived this terrible disease, and my director Uranija Petrović and her followers slandered me and fabricated various stories about me, saying that I was not infected with the crown and that I was making it up ” says Arsenijević.

In the statement made to the prosecution, he maintained everything he told the media, since the information that there were many infected people in the Kursumlija Health Center was correct, as well as that he himself had a crown, all to avoid a further spread of infection.

The suspicion that she was infected during the statement she gave to the police as a citizen, was again expressed by Uranija Petrović, director of the Health Center, writes the portal.

Tomislav announced in the media that there were a large number of infected people in the Kursumlija Health Center, which is not true, and that he was not allowed to announce it due to the state of emergency in force. The suspect also published an X-ray of the lungs of someone that all disease is a medical secret, ”the director of Urania told the police, among other things.

Arsenijevic claims that in the coming days he will file compensation claims against everyone who participated in his disparagement, from the director of the Health Center to the president of the municipality Radoljub Vidic, the head of the Kursumlija police station and others.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
