The rental and sale of devices for CROWN TREATMENT FROM HOME is flourishing on the Internet!


With the increasing number of people infected with coronavirus in Serbia, an increasing number of patients are receiving treatment at home and many of them have already started renting oxygen bottles, which is a well-known therapy for people with kovida. 19.

The rental of mobile oxygen concentrators is booming on the Internet, for about 100 euros per month, with a deposit of 100 euros, while they can be found for sale at a price of about 850 euros. In addition to this, the sale of small digital pulse oximeters that measure the level of saturation, that is, the non-invasive oxygen saturation in the blood, is also flourishing, which can be found at a price of 2,000 to 8,000 dinars.

photo: Promo

Jasmina Milošević, acting director of the Road Safety Agency, tells Kurir that she finally recovered from kovida 19, and that the oxygen concentrator was a great help in that, because she was in isolation at home all the time.

– I took an oxygen concentrator from a friend, his whole family was infected with corona. They rented it for 100 euros a month, and since they recovered before, they gave it to me to heal. They also gave me a pulse oximeter, which I used to measure the saturation with my finger. In consultation with a doctor at the Vračar Health Center, who I told I could get a concentrator, I used oxygen when my saturation dropped to 89-90. There is simply a scale by which you see what dose in which cases you should receive. I took it nasal for a week, says Milošević, adding that first he had a rash on his arms and head, as well as that his bones and joints hurt, so he immediately isolated himself from the family and performed the test:

– The first week my condition was fine, but in the second week it got worse, I finished the antibiotic and the saturation had already started to drop to 89-90. Then I spoke with my friends and with the doctor and with the consultations I received oxygen, only through the nose. It happened that during the day I was on oxygen for two or three hours two or three times, and sometimes one time was enough for my saturation not to drop. I did not have pneumonia, meanwhile I did two x-rays and it was only negative on the 19th.


More harm than good

photo: print screen

Prof. Dr. Zarko Rankovic, an infectologist, warns Kurir that such a device should never be used without consulting a doctor.

– It would be like patients who prescribe medicine to themselves on the principle “because my neighbor uses it”. Those who have low saturation and need oxygen are hospitalized and only a doctor should determine the flow of oxygen. You can’t take oxygen like a layman or according to Google’s instructions, because it can do more harm than good. Second, if this device is rented to patients with corona disease, the question is whether it is properly disinfected.


The Government elects the Director of the Agency

As Kurir finds out, today the Serbian Government should appoint a new director of the Road Safety Agency, because the term of interim director Jasmina Milošević expired on 12 November. The new director will begin to certify documents, such as imported vehicle registration or vehicle test certificates, which will eliminate the delay in issuing these documents to citizens. Jelena Pronić Photo: Shutterstock

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Author: delivery courier
