The regime’s fear of Grigorije becoming more deeply involved in politics


“In the last ten days, we have had sensational attacks against Bishop Grigorije and SANU President Vladimir Kostić, and it is horrible that we cannot hear an opinion that is not prescribed by the ruler,” said academic Dušan Teodorović.

As he said as a guest on New Day, although there are more competent people to talk about Kosovo, one cannot escape the impression that much of what Kostic said is true.

“We, the state of Serbia, signed the Kumanovo Agreement of 2013. The Brussels agreement signed by Dacic, which states that we hand over our prosecution offices and courts, our police, that all our citizens must have Kosovo identification cards and go to the polls and participate in the government and that the president of Serbia writes a request to enter Kosovo. The regime has decided not to admit that it has recognized Kosovo, “Teodorovic believes.

Speaking of Bishop Grigorije, the academic says he did not say anything terrible and that the regime, fearing that Grigorije would not compromise politically, responded with horrific sensational attacks.

“The Synod forces the people who celebrate the glory to cut themselves the cake of celebration, it must be remembered that 800 years of independence of the Serbian Orthodox Church were used to bestow the Order on Vučić, that the Serbian Orthodox Church never distanced itself of horrible phenomena such as pedophilia, but part of the Synod regime is put into operation. We are a secular society, the Church must be separated from the State, it bothered me when Christmas Eve came to the Presidency, “says academic Teodorović.

“What the tabloids write is nonsense, it is almost intellectual garbage. My life is easier since I said that I do not read or listen to it, for me there are two or three newspapers and serious TV stations, everything else is in the mud ”.

The Dveri Movement announced that the First Court of First Instance of Belgrade, by the first instance verdict of the President of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vučić, was forced to pay 200,000 dinars to the President of the Dveri Movement, Boško Obradović, for violate the reputation and parts, because he called him “thief” and “fascist.

“It is fantastically important news, the court ruled the other day and that they have to pay me 300 thousand, that is good news. Because it is proof that we have honest and fair people in court and prosecution, no one can go on television and call people fascists and thieves. “All the citizens of Serbia who insulted and fabricated stories, we have to start suing them, that’s harassment, but we have to start,” he said.

“The crisis staff did not behave like a doctor”

Speaking about the doctors who died from coronavirus, Teodorović claimed that more than 70 doctors died in Serbia and one in Slovenia.

“I apologize if this information may not be correct.” The first to be held responsible is Vučić, who appointed former Zemun clan doctor Zlatibor Lončar as Minister of Health, that man is incapable of organizing the health system. “When you look at the Crisis Staff, that headquarters did not behave like a doctor, had to give ultimatums, say that it will be like that or we leave the headquarters, it will be as we say,” he believes.

It highlights that the doctor from Kragujevac, a mother of three, who volunteered to go to Novi Pazar, is a heroine and a true fighter who defends our lives.

“Heroes are not people who behave as role models to match the color of the gloves with the color of the clothes and then become ministers,” added Teodorović.

“At the beginning of the epidemic, a lot of doctors and medical personnel were not properly protected. I have information that some doctors were questioned, that they were discussing with the directors whether the case was really a case, because the statistics were important.” All those camps with the number of dead and sick had one goal, to show that we are the best country in the fight against kovid under the leadership of Vučić, which is sad and devastating, “believes Teodorović.

Scientists from Serbia on the prestigious list

A group of researchers from Stanford University has published the list of the best scientists in the world for the second time in a row, and 49 scientists from Serbia are on the ranking list for 2019, including academic Dušan Teodorović.

“There are about eight million researchers in the world, this is an attempt to highlight two percent of all fields of science, there are 49 people from Serbia, a large part of you are on the list. It is an attempt to extract an individual contribution, a method was applied where the contribution of an individual was sought. It is a pleasure, there are still many good researchers in Serbia who are not on the list, “he said.
