The rapper is accused of trafficking in narcotics, and this is how he defends himself!


  • Instead of resting, he thinks about problems at work and makes new business plans to solve them. You enjoy love and …

  • You are satisfied with the result of the previous week. As for next week, you plan to continue at the same pace. You enjoy the time you spend …

  • You feel successful and you never forget the problems at work. The partner tries to help you and points out that you are not solely responsible for …

  • You are satisfied with how last week was and now you are making new plans for the next with a lot of optimism. If you’re married, you enjoy a …

  • Brag to others about what you did at work and how successful you were. The partner is proud of your success and quite possessive …

  • You have the impression that some ideas and plans need to change. An unstable business situation bothers you. You are emotionally satisfied and you dedicate your time …

  • You spend the day daydreaming and relaxing. In this way, allow inspiration to overwhelm you. You are emotionally satisfied and committed to your loved one. Health …

  • You need a break, but there is no way to relax. Torture yourself thinking about problems at work. The partner tries to relax you, but he …

  • You are very satisfied with the situation at work. You try to find a bug, but you realize that everything went perfectly. You enjoy the company …

  • You are thinking of changing jobs. On the other hand, how stressful this idea is for you is. You are dedicated to your partner and the little attention he pays …

  • Instead of resting, individuals are concerned about the bad economic situation. A marital relationship is ideal and your partner supports you. What …

  • You are thinking about how to improve cooperation with foreigners. You are ready to start mutual cooperation and they are holding it. If you’re married, the couple is …

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