The psychiatrist Jovan Marić (80) was separated from the respirator after a month! Talk to the doctors in English.


CHRISTMAS MIRACLE: Psychiatrist Jovan Marić (80) was separated from his respirator after a month!  Talk to the doctors in English.

Photo: Happy TV Printscreen

The psychiatrist Jovan Marić (80) was literally resurrected and separated from the respirator he had been wearing for a month at Christmas, Kurir has learned unofficially.

– Marić was a very difficult patient and was ruled out. Hardly anyone thought they had a chance to go out. At almost 80 years old and on a respirator, all the parameters showed that his chances were nil. However, after a month, just around Christmas, the doctors moved in to separate him from the ventilator. Breathe with your lungs. She is still in intensive care and speaks mostly English with the staff. A person probably needs time to fully recover because they were under heavy sedatives for a month, asleep on a respirator, says our source.

Marić was admitted to KBC “Dragiša Mišović” on December 1, with bilateral pneumonia caused by coronavism. His condition deteriorated very rapidly and the doctors had to intubate him within a few days.


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