The prototype in 30 days will be cheaper than others: this is when there will be mass testing


Did we have a virus without knowing it? This is an important topic for epidemiologists and the profession, as this information is important for developing collective immunity. And it is important to know if we have antibodies to help someone fight the coronavirus.

Photo: Printskrin / TV B92

Photo: Printskrin / TV B92

Marija Gnjatovi, Leader of the ELIS Test Project at the INEP Institute for Nuclear Energy, states that we will have a prototype of this test in 30 days, when all the test conditions are met.

She told TV B92 that we have imported tests that validate them, that the procedure to go to market with this type of products is easier, so they must be properly tested, because the results of those tests will greatly help in the development of our tests. We go into massive testing after a pandemic, backwards.

Gnjatovieva states that it is important to evaluate people who had an asymptomatic form of the disease, that is, those who did not know how to carry the virus. Although it is not known whether these antibodies are protective, how long immunity lasts, and how many antibodies persist in the body, they certainly provide some protective organism, and it is important to identify people who have potentially developed antibodies and who may be at the forefront of the fight. against a pandemic. .

When asked if there is a possibility that the test will not detect any antibodies, Gnjatovieva states that if the test is of good quality and is done at the right time and that it is 7 to 14 days after symptoms, it will certainly develop. a quantity of antibodies. The test does not detect an acute infection, but the defense of the organism against the virus, and it is important not to carry out the test before day 14, but also to make the test valid to obtain reliable results.

The government has supported the Test Development Institute and Gnjatoviev believes that we will be able to automate the process so that we can develop more tests than anticipated.

He adds that there will be opportunities for people to evaluate themselves voluntarily, but the research-based profession says which areas need to be evaluated and how many people are needed to get real insight.

Media reports suggesting that the British government did millions of tests that they did not indicate that such things can happen in this state of emergency, because due to slight measures, products are released to the market without the time necessary to validate the test. .

He emphasizes that it will be cheaper to perform the test because the Institute has production of antisera and antibodies, so we do not import all the components of the test and this reduces the cost.

He points out that the reaction to the virus does not imply that there are more antibodies, which depends on the resistance of the organism at that time. There may be a parallel between the quality of the imaging clinic and the quantity of antibodies, but we cannot conclude on that, he said. Not all plasma donors are good, as is the fact that antibody detection is essential to the development of a vaccine.

He adds that we can learn from other research teams, and especially from Chinese experts, as China was the first coronavirus aritron. He added that a study in monkeys showed that protective immunity was being created, but the question was how long it would last. Indeed, by producing antibodies, it helps protect the body.

“People need to understand that Serbia also has the potential for this kind of challenge and that we can solve the problem,” concludes Gnjatovie.

