THE PRIZE GAME HAS BEEN TAKEN THE CALCULATION AND WIN! Citizens expect valuable prizes: 12 apartments and 60 cars, and THESE ARE TERMS AND RULES


The first draw is scheduled for the end of November and citizens are waiting for valuable prizes: 60 cars and 12 apartments in Belgrade.

The government added that a contest of cities and municipalities will be organized on the number of invoices sent, and the most active local communities will share a total fund of 180,000 euros for projects of public importance chosen by the citizens.

1. What are the conditions to participate in the Take the Bill and win 2020 prize game?

All adults with permanent or temporary residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia who collect and send 10 tax invoices or 10 card payment receipts (“vouchers”), with a minimum value of 100 dinars per tax invoice or voucher, no older than September 1, 2020. When addressing the envelope, on the cover it is necessary to write HAVE ACCOUNT AND WIN 2020. On the back of the shipment it is mandatory to clearly write the name and surname, the residence address of the personal document, as well as telephone contact. Envelope shipping is free.

2. When does the 2020 Start and Win prize game start and how long does it last?

The formal start of the sweepstakes will be known when the Sweepstakes Rules are adopted and published, about which you will be informed promptly in the media and on this site. Depending on the epidemiological situation in the country, the first draw is expected to take place at the end of November 2020. The Serbian government has adopted the Gaming Prize Criteria that allow envelopes with tax invoices or receipts to be sent from October 15 2020, so citizens have more time to collect. more accounts and increase your chances of winning, but also to achieve greater effects in the fight against the black economy.

3. Is participation in the prize game safe?

The raffle does not represent an additional risk to the health of citizens, since there is no waiting in lines to receive envelopes or stamps, nor is it necessary to enter closed spaces, since the envelopes can be stored in mailboxes located outdoors. It is recommended that citizens prepare envelopes at home and put them in the nearest mailbox, complying with the prescribed epidemiological measures (use of mask and physical distance). In addition, citizens are advised to pay whenever possible, not in cash (by card or by phone), as this avoids direct contact with the seller and the tickets that go from hand to hand, while doubling their chances of winning. 4. What is the prize fund for the Take the Bill and win 2020 prize game? The prize fund will be known for the adoption and publication of the Rules of the prize game. The Serbian government has previously announced that the awards will include apartments and cars in Belgrade.

5. Can minors participate in the prize game?

photo: PrintScreen

No. According to the Gaming Law, only adults can participate in the prize game. If parents or grandparents send an envelope in the name of their minor children or grandchildren, that envelope will be considered invalid.

6. How will citizens be informed about the rules of the game and the prize fund?

All information about the prize game, funds, raffles and other topics will be published regularly in the media, on the prize game portal, web presentations of organizers and partner institutions and organizations and through various public relations activities. For all additional questions, citizens can contact customer service at [email protected].

7. Who are the organizers of the prize game?

The organizer of the prize game is the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and NALED provides the support.

8. What is the purpose of the prize game?

The prize game is organized to suppress the underground economy by strengthening the awareness and motivation of citizens to pay without cash and receive tax invoices with each purchase, because only then can they be sure that the merchant operates in accordance with the law and pays taxes that fund health care. education and other public services, which is more important than ever during a pandemic.


1. How many envelopes can one person send?

A person can send an unlimited number of envelopes, and in each one there must be 10 tax invoices or 10 card payment receipts (vouchers), the minimum value of 100 dinars for each tax invoice or voucher, no greater than September 1, 2020. slips do not increase your chances of winning. All bills and receipts of 100 dinars and more from any store or point of sale have an equal opportunity to participate in the prize game.

2. What packs can be used to participate in the prize game?

Envelopes of any color, size or shape can be used as long as they will fit in the mailbox. It is also important that the color of the envelope allows the personal information to be legible so that the winner can be identified and contacted.

3. How to fill in the envelope and to what address should it be sent?

The address to which the envelopes are sent is TAKE THE ACCOUNT AND WIN 2020. On the back of the envelope, the personal data of the participants must be written in legible letters: name, surname, address of residence / stay of personal documents and telephone contact. The back of the envelope is the side where the envelope opens.

photo: Printskrin Tanjug

4. Is it true that the shipping costs for envelopes are free or do you have to put a postage stamp?

The postal service to send envelopes for the Take the Bill and win 2020 prize game is free. No postage stamp is required.


1. Can invoices and receipts be from the same store and can they all be issued on the same day?

Invoices and receipts are valid regardless of whether they are from the same point of sale or not, whether they were issued on the same day and what type of goods were purchased. It is only important that the invoices or tax receipts are correct, that they are not older than September 1, 2020 and that the minimum amount per invoice is 100 dinars.

2. How does a card payment double the chances of winning?

Simple: if you pay 10 times in cash, you will get 10 tax bills, which is enough for one envelope. If you pay 10 times with a card, you will get 10 tax invoices and another 10 receipts, which is enough for two envelopes, and that is a double chance of winning!

photo: Profimedia

3. Why did you include slips in the drawing?

Receipts (confirmation of card payment) are included in the drawing to encourage cashless payment as the best way to make any money transaction transparent. The fact that the payment has not been made in cash and that the money is transferred from the buyer’s account to the seller’s account makes the flow of these funds visible, which is not always the case with cash transactions where If no tax invoice is issued, the invoice remains completely invisible to the tax authorities. Additionally, non-cash payment is healthier than cash payment, because there is no need for direct contact with the seller or money that goes from hand to hand.

4. Can you send badly printed tax invoices that do not show all the data?

Do not send these invoices, because in tax invoices all the basic elements must be legible for the Commission to verify their veracity.

5. Do the sheets of an envelope have to all be from the same card or can they be from different cards?

The sheets of the envelope can be of different cards. The receipts do not have to be in the person indicated on the envelope as the sender. It is necessary to send 10 vouchers, with a minimum value of 100 dinars and no.

Photo by Marina Lopicic

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
