Belgrade – Besides Petrohemija, five more companies could soon be on the list for the privatization procedure.
Source: Blic

Photo: Depositphotos, Tzido
These are Simpo, Jumko, Lasta, Trial and MSK from Kikinda. This practically means that in the coming months, about 6,000 employees of these companies could find a new owner, Blic has learned.
In the previous period, the activities related to this procedure were the most advanced in these companies, so that for some of them, at the end of the year or the beginning of the next, the procedure of change of owner could be initiated.
In other words, the State will try to sell at least some of the 78 companies, of which about 600 remain under its jurisdiction, and public calls will be issued for them or a strategic partner will be sought for some of them.
According to the Ministry of Economy, in addition to these six companies, some 30 more companies could enter the privatization process, while for the remaining 40, the buyer is most likely to emerge from bankruptcy.
In these companies they believe that their sale is inevitable, but they remember that during this transaction, in addition to the price, the fate of the employees must be taken into account, which is the team from the Ministry of Economy, which has led this process until now.
Therefore, the employees of these companies expect this logic to apply even now, because they are large systems with a total of close to 6,000 workers.
Namely, “Petrohemija” employs 1,320 people, Simpo 1,418, Yumko 2,040, Lasti 1,995, Trajal 1,108 and MSK 538.
A source from Blic de Nemanjina 11 states that privatization is a complex process and that price is not the only parameter to make the decision to sell.
In addition to price, it is important to define the status of a large number of employees and the value of investments that customers would offer because these companies have production schedules necessary for some other industries. An example is ‘Petrohemija’. That is why negotiations with Gazpromneft have intensified these days, confirmed President Vui, with the exception of Gazpromneft. after that they tried ”, affirms the interlocutor of Blic.
He adds that there is also interest in Simpo, Jumko, Lasta, Trial and MSK.
“Most of them operate according to the UPPR and settle their obligations under this document, although they are losers, but after the announcement of the public call, you can see who attracts customers and who does not. It is important that the IMF insists on at least these large systems. especially when it comes to Lasta and MSK, ”says the source.
Professor Ljubomir Madar also believes that it is time to tell the fate of these companies.
“Those companies rely heavily on budget bread, many of them have losses that eventually spill over to the state treasury, so the money is set aside for financially unsustainable companies over the years. It’s a huge burden and I think it’s a good idea to finally complete the privatization, which started in the 1990s, “says Madar.
He adds that he would not be afraid that the speed of privatization will negatively affect the price, because, as he himself says, it should not be decisive for the sale because most are losers and have no value, so nothing would be lost.
“An example is the sale of RTB Bor to the Chinese, which was a great relief for the State. That relief would be achieved qualitatively if these companies were sold, because it is possible that there are some individuals who know how to make companies profitable with these losers”, says Madar.