The prince of Monaco bows before the flag of Serbia (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


Today, Prince Albert II of Monaco will pay an official visit to Serbia, and his host will be President Aleksandar Vučić.

Solemn reception ceremony for the Prince of Monaco in front of the Palace of Serbia

The welcoming ceremony took place in front of the Palace of Serbia, where Prince Albert is received by his host, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

The Prince of Monaco bowed to the Serbian flag and then, accompanied by the President of Serbia, greeted those present.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

This is followed by a tete-a-tete meeting between President Vučić and Prince Albert.

Welcome at the airport

The Prince of Monaco has just landed at Belgrade airport and was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić.

photo: Tanjug Printscreen

The ruler of Monaco, who landed in Belgrade around 11 a.m., was received on the red carpet, lined up by the Serbian Army Guard, in compliance with all epidemiological measures.

Prince Albert got off the plane with a mask on his face, which was also worn by the head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dačić, during the salute.

Prince Albert will receive the Order of the Republic of Serbia on the tape.

The visit of Prince Albert II of Monaco differs from the usual visits of officials from around the world to Serbia, not because of the cooperation agreement that will be signed, but because of the personality of the guest, the head of the principality, but also the son of the unforgettable Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier. not only on occasions and official business, but also on the red carpets and courts of European dynasties.

The ruler of Monaco, that is, comes from one of the most famous, oldest and most influential royal families in Europe, which has attracted worldwide attention for decades and whose ownership is estimated at several billion US dollars.

The Grimaldi family is also one of the most famous royal families in the world, immediately after the British, and is considered to have a much greater influence on the political scene than it appears at first glance.

The founder of the dynasty is the diplomat of Genoa, Grimaldo Canella, whose heirs were in power in Monaco until the middle of the 18th century, after which the surname was extended to Matignon Grimaldi.

The branch of that family, Polinjak Grimaldi, is now in power and was founded by Renije III in 1949, the father of Prince Albert II.

The principality became a notion of aristocracy and glamor, mainly due to the fact that in 1956 its member became one of the most beautiful actresses, Oscar winner Grace Kelly, who later married Prince Rainier III and had three children with him: Carolina, Alberto II and Stephanie, whose steps were also closely followed by the world public.

Monaco: the second smallest country in the world

The Principality of Monaco is located 15 kilometers from Nice and not far from the border between France and Italy, and is considered by many to be the center of the Côte d’Azur.

After the Vatican, it is the smallest country in the world, but it is also considered one of the most expensive places.

Two-thirds of the population are billionaires and millionaires from around the world, mainly due to tax breaks.

The state itself covers 2.02 square kilometers, has seven neighborhoods and has about 40,000 inhabitants, of which about a quarter are indigenous, and its most famous inhabitants are members of the princely family.

Although the official language is French, both Italian and English are used, while the Monegasque language, which is a mix of French, Italian and indigenous dialects, is taught in schools as a compulsory language.

Although the principality is not part of the EU, it is connected to it through France, and its official currency is the euro.

The main economic branch of Monaco is tourism, and its most famous part is Monte Carlo, where the famous casinos are located.

The Principality of Monaco is also known for Formula 1 racing and the famous Masters 1000 series tennis tournament.

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