THE PRESIDENT SAYS WHY THERE WAS A DISPUTE AMONG ALBANIANS: The gas pipelines are key, the Pristina delegation fights


– The two sides agree that they will work together with the US Department of Energy and other US government bodies on a feasibility study that should share the energy resources of Lake Gazovoda, Vučić said, then explained:

– Why were they strongly against and why we were in favor, and we did not want to reveal that, and we are both silent, because we do not have a kilowatt of electricity from Gazivoda at the moment. In this way, we will only win, to the extent that we share, that’s why they fought fiercely with each other.

He added that Serbia insisted on that in the Brussels negotiations and will continue to do so.

– It is very important that the Americans do a feasibility study and that we can take part of the energy sources, then it is about electricity and water. Gazivode is a little deeper in our territory, but mostly the water goes to Metohija and Pristina, less to the Serbian areas. Srtuja is not doing well for us at all, so this is great for us and caused riots in Pristina, Vučić said.

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